Page 6 of Treasuring Michael

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“Damon,” he says. I start, squinting my eyes at him. His face turns red and he looks down briefly.

“How do you know my name?”

Evan doesn’t answer. He just continues to stare at me. I know him. I’m not sure how, but I do. It’s tickling the back of my mind, but I can’t place it.

“Where are you from, Evan?” He didn’t answer me when I asked the first time. Maybe if he’s from here, I can try to place his face.

His face falls, like my question upsets him. Clearing his throat, he says, “Umm, Quebec. Canada.”

“Never been. Though I’d like to visit Niagara Falls. How is it?”

“Average. I mean … it’s fine. It’s okay.” He blows out a breath and chuckles. “I’ve never been.” We both laugh, but his eyes meet mine again and recognition dawns on me.

I’ve seen his smiling face before. Looking down at my best friend when we graduated college years ago. A friend that’s dead. And he’s supposed to be dead too.

With a gasp, I say, “You’re Michael.”

It’s his turn to start and his eyes grow wide. “I … uh.” He takes a step closer to me and I flinch back.

Why is he still alive? Did he kill Abel? Am I sharing space with a killer? It’s obvious he’s a liar because he just told me he was from Canada. If I ask if he killed Abel, of course he’ll tell me no, even though he obviously did. Why is he back? Why come back if you got away scot-free?

He stops in his tracks and drops the hand that was reaching out for me. “Damon, I—”

“Just let me go, please?” I whisper, hoping the plea in my voice will make him spare me and allow me to leave. I really shouldn’t have come here. I should have stayed home. That way, I wouldn’t run into Abel’s possible killer. And my heart wouldn’t be cracking in half, thinking about my dead friend when I’ve all but buried that pain. My throat closes and I fight back tears as I move away.

I see hurt cross his face, but I can’t think about that right now. My safety is more important than his feelings. I take two wide steps to the left, closer to the door and out of arms reach. I inch around, keeping my eyes on him. When I feel the handle of the door behind me, I fumble with it and when I have a grip, I yank it open and run out. These shoes aren’t the most comfortable to run in, but I don’t care. I race to the door and burst out into the open air. I glance over my shoulder, expecting to see a hand reaching to drag me back and silence me. No one is there.

When I get to my car, I start it up and peel out before I can pull my seatbelt on. It’s only when I’m more than halfway home that I realize my vision is fuzzy because I only have one contact in. And I left my mask behind.

Chapter 4


Neverinamillionyears would I have thought I’d run into Damon, the one man who caught my attention all those years ago. He’s just as beautiful as I remember, but I wish he’d had his glasses on instead of contacts. He’s gorgeous with his glasses on. I mean, I can get used to the contacts, but his glasses are …

I shake those thoughts away. He ran out of the restroom when he recognized me. I didn’t think he would realize who I was after I removed my mask and no recognition flashed in his eyes. But the look of fear was far worse.

What was he doing here? I knew he still lived in the area—as Abel still got updates on him every now and then from a private investigator—but I didn’t think I would see him while I was here on a simple mission.

Why was he afraid of me? What did he think when he looked at me? Why did he have such fear in his voice when he asked if he could go? God, what do I do?

I start to leave, but something in my peripheral catches my attention. His mask. I pick it up, running it between my fingers. Does he want it back? It seems of good quality, so he may need it. Yeah, I’d better return it to him.

My excuse to see him again sounds flimsy in my own mind but I don’t think too hard about it.

Slipping out of the restroom, I make my way back to the dining hall, peeking inside to see Brent talking to the woman beside him and I smile slightly. Good. He’s safe. I wonder who wanted him dead. From what Quin gathered, the person who ordered the hit used bitcoin and what he called a data worm to get the request out. Unfortunately for me, Quin couldn’t access more than that without compromising our systems.

I’m glad I did what I could for the man that got a better life than me. He deserves everything good.

Quickly, but without drawing attention to myself, I slip out of the building and head to my rental to drive to my hotel. I still clutch Damon’s mask in my hand, but I’m careful not to bend or mar it. I’m not sure why he’ll need it, but he might.

Sitting in my hotel room is lonely, so I call Quin. He can find out where Damon lives. Or should I call Abel? Where should I go from here? I decide to call Quin and hope he can help me out.

He answers with, “This better be good for you to call me this late.” in a whispered voice. “My boy is sleeping, and I hate to disturb him.”

“Yeah, I’m sorry. Listen …” I stop and blow out a breath. “You remember what I said a few months back? About someone being here that I felt a connection to?”
