Page 37 of Dead of Night

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He contemplated me for a moment. “It’s Larry.”

“Larry,” I repeated, trying to disguise my amusement. Guys named Larry wore sweater vests and argyle socks. This guy was the antithesis of a Larry.

“Something funny?” Larry asked.

“Absolutely not. Larry is a lovely name. Short for Lawrence?”

“No, just Larry.” He produced his own driver’s license to prove it.

“Got it.” I pointed to the entrance. “May I go in now?”

He pretended to mull it over, but I had no doubt Kane had issued a blanket order to grant me access to the club. “You can go,” he finally said.

“Thank you, Larry. I look forward to seeing you again on my way out.”

The club was moderately busy. Three vampires writhed against each other on the dance floor, despite the band playing light jazz. I got the distinct impression the vampires had thrown their own party before they got here.

I spotted Kane across the room, holding court as usual. For someone who didn’t wait on his clientele, he sure enjoyed his position behind the bar. I watched as he leaned seductively across the counter and whispered in a woman’s ear. I couldn’t discern her species from this angle. Long red hair cascaded down her back. Once I was seated on the stool beside her, I could see she was one of the fae. There was no mistaking those delicate features.

Kane straightened at the sight of me. “Well, well. I wasn’t expecting to see you here.”

“I was feeling lonely in the tower of my castle.”

He grinned. “And you let down your hair and escaped.”

The fae cleared her throat, clearly to remind Kane that he was already in the process of flirting with someone who wasn’t me.

“Miss Clay, I’d like you to meet Samantha Jewell. Sami is an old friend of mine.”

Sami offered me a dainty hand. I put my mental barrier in place and shook it. Kane’s mouth opened as though he had something to say, but he closed it again just as quickly.

“Are you a regular here, Samantha?” I asked.

“Only when I’m in the area. Then I make sure to see my favorite prince of hell.” She gave Kane a flirtatious wink.

“Sami travels for work,” Kane explained.

“Oh, are you in sales?”

She tossed her hair over her shoulder. “No, sweetness. I’m a pilot.”

“Sami flies private planes for wealthy supernaturals,” Kane continued. “That’s how we met.”

Sami licked her red lips. “One of the best rides of all time.”

“What brings you here this evening, Miss Clay? Don’t you have a wall to paint?”

“Several, but my attention’s been diverted.”

He shook his head in mock disapproval. “Again? You know, a more skeptical person might accuse you of procrastination.”

Sami swiveled toward me, crossing her legs in the process. “Do you really live in a castle?”

“It’s a large but fairly modern house called Bluebeard’s Castle,” I told her. “I bought it online, sight unseen.”

“Our Miss Clay is very brave,” Kane said.

Sami’s gaze darted from Kane to me. “And how long have you lived in Fairhaven?”
