Page 39 of Dead of Night

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I drew the glass to my lips. “I’ll thank you during my acceptance speech.”

His expression lost its shine. “What is it that you need from me, Miss Clay?”

“I’m trying to learn more about a djinn I met. I thought you might be able to help.”

“We get quite a few djinn in here. Can you describe him?”

“His name is Solomon. Six foot six. Neck tattoo.”

He pulled a face. “I never understood that placement.”

“Me neither. And the tattoo was odd. It seemed to move.”


“Possibly, or I was seeing double. I’d just suffered a blow to the head.”

“This wasn’t a romantic encounter, I take it.” He paused, a smile rippling across his features. “Or perhaps it was.”

“It was not a romantic encounter.”

“Pity. What did the tattoo look like?”

“Do you have a pen?”

He produced a pen from his interior jacket pocket, and I drew a picture on a napkin.

Kane blinked, as though he hoped the image would change when he opened his eyes again. “Are you certain?”

“Well, it isn’t a perfect representation. I’m not much of an artist.”

He continued to study the drawing. “That’s unfortunate.”

“I mean, I have other skills, so I’m not too bothered.”

“No, I meanthatis unfortunate.” He gestured to the image. “If that symbol is what I think it is…” He trailed off.

I was now fully immersed in the conversation and no longer aware of Sami’s performance. “What do you think it is?”

“The mark of an ancient collective known as The Corporation.”

“That doesn’t sound very ancient.”

“They haven’t always gone by that moniker. That’s what they’re using this century.”

“And I’m guessing they don’t deal in widgets.”

“If only.” A smirk passed his sensual lips. “You do realize this is you confiding in me, don’t you?”

“About a safety issue, not my inner demons.”

His face lit up. “I’d love to talk more about your inner demon. I was wondering whether the job was available.”

“Save that line for when Sami comes back to the counter.”

His gaze flicked to the piano. “Sami doesn’t need a line. She’d stop midsong and head downstairs to my bedroom if I looked at her the right way.”

I shook my head. “Such a modest prince you are.”
