Page 40 of Dead of Night

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“Merely stating a fact.”

“Go on then. Show me.”

He toyed with his glass. “I’m no longer entertaining her in that way.”

“Why not? She’s beautiful, she’s a pilot, and she’s a masterful pianist.”

“And she deserves someone who appreciates those things about her.”

“But you’re not that someone?”

“My interests lie elsewhere.”

I was relieved when the sound of Debussy reached an end, and the jazz trio resumed their performance.

Instead of Sami rejoining us, however, Josie slid onto the vacant stool wearing a dour expression. On second thought, I decided that was just her face.

“What’s the matter, Josephine?” Kane asked.

“Bad news.” She gave me a look that very clearly stated this bad news was for Kane’s ears only.

Naturally, I stayed.

“Out with it,” Kane said. He didn’t seem as concerned by my presence as his head of security.

“I think we should discuss this privately,” Josie said.

Kane waved a hand in my direction. “She hides away in a fortress with a moat and talks to ghosts. Who is she going to tell?”

Josie shrugged. “You’re the boss.”

“I most certainly am.”

“Diamond is dead.” The vampire delivered the news in a voice that suggested inconvenience. I imagined it was the same tone she used for “the toilet’s clogged again” and “the forecast is calling for a wintry mix.”

“RIP Charles,” Kane said quietly. “Do we know the details?”

“Sounds like bad luck. He got the Prometheus treatment.” When I shot her a quizzical glance, she added, “Someone killed him and ate his liver.”

I cringed.

“Technically, Prometheus was alive when the eagle ate his liver,” Kane said. “It grew back anew each day so the torture could begin again.” He shook his head. “Gods are divine pricks.”

Josie smirked. “I don’t know. I have an appreciation for that level of creativity.”

“Remind me never to get on your bad side,” I told her.

Her mouth thinned. “Too late for that.”

“Where was he killed?” Kane asked.

“Not sure. His body was found in Sawmill Creek. Do you think another monster made its way through the crossroads?” Josie asked.

“There’s always that possibility,” Kane replied. “Then again, we’re talking about Charles Diamond. It could be revenge for a prior job, or someone desperate to claim his place in the guild. Any other obvious wounds?”

“Only defensive ones. Seems like he was caught off guard.”

“Unusual for an assassin of his caliber.” Kane lowered his head, appearing to honor Charles with a moment of silence. “Who called it in?”
