Page 62 of Dead of Night

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“The Devil’s Playground?” I asked.

Their laughter mingled in the air. “I said unsavory,” Camryn stressed.

“It’s a shame, too,” Gun added. “I think he has a genuine interest in Cam.”

She produced the small box of Nerds from her purse and popped the colorful candy into her mouth. “His vices are the problem. I have standards, and I intend to honor myself by upholding them.”

“I can see why you find him appealing though. I understand and approve of your mild obsession,” I said. “Who do you think is the obvious choice for the empty seat?”

Gun frowned. “I don’t know. Why?”

“Any chance the top contender would cut down Charles in order to gain the seat?”

Gun scratched his head. “I wouldn’t put it past any assassin, really.”

Camryn crunched on more Nerds. “We’re a fairly ruthless bunch.”

I watched as she squashed the empty box of candy. “Yes, I can see that.”

“I bet you’re glad you came to the funeral,” Gun said. “Free entertainment.”

“Do you ever worry that you’re a little too fond of violence?” I asked.

He spread his arms wide. “This is America, baby. Violence is as American as apple pie.”

“Apple pie is technically English,” I said.

He dropped his arms to his side. “Well, they can be violent too. I believe history has shown us that.”

“Were you trained at a young age?” I asked.

“La Fortuna starts training us as soon as we’re old enough to understand the cards,” Camryn said. “It’s different for other assassins in the guild though. Some of them kill because they enjoy it and have the right skills for it.”

Gun noticed my arm for the first time. “That looks nasty. You should get that checked.”

I glanced at the ghoul’s bite marks. I hadn’t noticed the blood spiraling around my arm.

“I’d bathe in Neosporin tonight if I were you,” Camryn said. She inched away from me, clearly afraid I might bleed on her.

“There are a few healers in town,” Gunther said. “I don’t mind taking you.” In a gallant gesture, he handed me a pocket square, and I used it to wipe away the blood. “Consider it yours,” he said with a grimace when I offered to return it.

“I hope you’re up to date on your immunizations,” Camryn said.

“I’ll be fine, thanks.”

Itching to get out of the uncomfortable dress, I exited the cemetery and walked to Otto’s sleek black car. I sank against the supple leather seat and turned the key; it was like a shadow charging to life. The night was clear as I drove away, admiring the city lights that glittered in the distance. I’d return Otto’s car tomorrow. I didn’t want to swing by in case he was entertaining his new friend there. As far as I was concerned, I’d already witnessed enough things I wished I hadn’t.

I parked outside the Castle gate and noticed my arm was already beginning to heal. By tomorrow morning I’d be back to normal, which was good news for the paintbrush that awaited me.


Iwaited until after breakfast to return Otto’s Maserati. The dress would take longer since I needed to have it cleaned. If only there was a ghoul organization I could bill.

There was an unfamiliar car in the driveway, so I left the key under the mat and sent him a text. It seemed Otto’s new friend had decided on a sleepover. I hoped she liked chess.

As much as I enjoyed driving the expensive vehicle, I was happy to return to the comfort of my truck.

“What are you doing back so soon?” Nana Pratt asked as I climbed the steps of the front porch.
