Page 90 of Dead of Night

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“You wouldn’t understand,” she mumbled.

“I’d like to try.” That was what Pops always said when he was trying to coax an answer out of a reluctant me. It did the trick with me and seemed to work on Alicia too.

“For dancing skills,” she admitted.

“Dancing?” Kane and I repeated in unison.

“We really need to stop doing that,” I told him.

“Yes, dancing. I should be better than I am. I was so embarrassed when I didn’t make the team. Grampa was right; I still love to dance. I don’t know when I stopped being good at it.”

I stared at her, uncertain what to say. I knew there were words of comfort that might help in this situation, I just couldn’t seem to produce them. I’d thought maybe a life was at stake, or unrequited love, but dancing…

Kane intervened. “No one’s here to judge you,” he said with a pointed look at me. “And your soul is worth far more than fancy feet, young lady. You need to drive a harder bargain next time.”

“There will be no next time,” I said firmly.

Alicia looked up at him with rounded eyes. “You were scary, dude.”

“Scarier than the creature you summoned?” he asked. He sounded more curious than anything.

Alicia nodded. “Thanks for saving my butt.”

Dan raised a hand. “I believe I contributed to the rescue effort.”

I patted his arm. “Yes, you certainly did.”

“My pleasure,” Kane said with a gallant bow.

Alicia turned to me. “Is he your boyfriend?”


“Why not? He’s fine, plus he rescued me, and he didn’t have to do that. He doesn’t even know me.”

“I don’t know you either,” Dan complained.

“Alicia, your family would be so upset if they knew what you’d been through.”

Her head drooped again. “My parents don’t care. They only care about their careers, and whether I make the team or got an A on my test.”

“I’m sure that isn’t true, but even if it were, your grandfather cares very much.”

Something sparked in Alicia’s brown eyes. Hope? Relief? “You’ll tell him I’m okay?”

“Of course, but I need to make it very clear that you can never do anything like this ever again. Don’t come to the crossroads. Don’t tell your friends. This is a dangerous place for humans.”

Alicia snorted. “You say that like you’re not one of us.” She flicked her gaze to Kane. “Well, I know you’re not. You’re like one of those CGI monsters.”

“I can assure you there is no CGI involved. I am one hundred percent authentically terrifying.”

As eager as I was to talk to Kane about his transformation, now wasn’t the time. “I’ll take her home,” I said. “Thanks for your help.” I looked at Dan. “Both of you.”

“I have information,” Kane said. “We can discuss it tomorrow.”

“I have information, too,” a voice announced.

“Hello, Josephine,” Kane greeted his Director of Security.
