Page 60 of Dead Last

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“That demon is far too attractive to be a bartender,” Naomi said, taking an immediate sip of her drink. “At the very least he should be a manager.”

I fought the urge to laugh as I resumed a seated position. “How long have you worked for your company?”

She tipped her head back and moaned. “Forever, but it isn’t the kind of work you can walk away from.”

Her response gave me pause. “The benefits are that good, huh?”

Naomi tilted her head toward me, giving me a long look. “Yes,” she finally said. “And the cafeteria has a dedicated Michelin Star chef.”

“Wow. That’s impressive. Are you based in New York?”

Another long pause followed my question. “And here I thought I was the one asking the questions.”

I slurped my drink, elegant lady that I was. “As it happens, I’m in the market for a job, and New York isn’t a terrible commute from here.”

Naomi leaned forward, now fully invested in the conversation. “What would you say are your specialties?”

“I’m persistent. Dedicated. Once I start a project, I see it through to the end.”

“What kind of project?”

“Right now, it’s home renovations. Before that I tracked down lost heirs.”

“You’re multitalented.”

“That’s one way of describing it.” I’d also been called flaky, directionless, and jack-of-all-trades, master of none. “I guess I should know more about The Corporation first.” I made a show of pulling out my phone and starting to type. “Let’s see what the website has to say.”

Naomi plucked the phone from my hand and set it face down on the table. “It wouldn’t be helpful. It’s a highly exclusive, highly confidential business.”

I played dumb. “Like the mob?” I whispered.

Her look of disdain was one for the record books. “Nothing like the mob.” Her voice dripped with derision.

“What were the jobs of the employees you lost? Maybe I can replace one of them.” I threw in a grimace for good measure. “That was in poor taste, wasn’t it? Forget I mentioned it.”

Naomi seemed to view me with fresh eyes. “Your house is magnificently large.”

“Why? Does the company need to expand? Remote work would be one thing, but I think it might violate a zoning ordinance if I carved out office space. My area is residential only.”

Naomi downed her drink and placed the empty glass on the table with dainty finesse. “I ran a background check on you. The only noteworthy fact was your inability to stay in one place. How many schools did you attend before you finally graduated?”

“Why would you do that if you were only speaking to me to close a case?”

“Standard operating procedure. We run background checks on anyone we interview for any reason, no matter how minor.”

“Sounds strangely paranoid.”

“We’re a very thorough organization.”

“Which is where you come in.”

“Precisely.” This smile wasn’t like her others. It was razor sharp and predatory, showing its prey what to expect once it had been caught.

Sorry, honey. I had no intention of getting caught.

“On second thought, your business sounds too intense for me. I like a casual vibe, like this place. Maybe the bartender will put in a good word for me with the owner.”

“Speaking of the bartender, I’m ready for another.” Naomi waved her empty glass in the air. “Bartender!”
