Page 51 of Kissed by Her Ex

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She was always in demand the last week of the year to help with local New Year’s Eve parties. A couple of the jobs were volunteer work, but the rest were paying gigs that would help get her through the leaner winter months.

“Yeah, I didn’t think that would work.” Her mom sighed, stepping in front of her. “Which ankle is it?”

Charity pointed to her left foot. She was just glad her mom couldn’t get a glimpse of her bandaged-up knee. It wasn’t hurting anymore, but she’d covered it with a gauze bandage that made the injury look worse than it actually was.

“I really could do this myself,” Charity said as her mom settled the bag of ice on her ankle. “You didn’t have to come all the way over here.”

“It’s not that far,” her mom said, standing and putting a hand on each hip. “I came over here to check on you.” She frowned and shifted her weight from one foot to the other. “Everyone needs someone to take care of them, even if they choose to stay single.”

Charity didn’tchooseto stay single and her mother knew it. But she couldn’t help but think of Nic. How long would it be until he found someone to share his life with? Someone to bandage up after she took a fall? Someone who would give him the children he wanted?

No, she couldn’t think about that. She had to go on with her life as though he’d never come to town. She had to forget about him now. Otherwise, she’d sit here alone, pining for him, long after he’d moved on with his life.

Charity squeezed her eyes shut, mostly to push back the emotions that threatened to overwhelm her. The last thing she needed right now was to let tears come to her eyes. Her mom would worry about her even more.

She had to put on a strong front. She had to show the world she was just fine without Nic Winters. Maybe, eventually, she would start to believe it.

Wincing as the chill on her skin started to sting, Charity subtly lifted the ice pack and pulled the hem of her pants down to cover more of her ankle. She resettled the ice pack on top of it, keeping the cloth between the ice and her skin. While she did that, her mom came over and sat on the cushion on the other end of the sofa, angling her body toward Charity.

“You know I just want you girls to be happy,” her mom said. “Whether that means living in Misty Mountain or in Europe or even on Mars.”

“Mars?” Charity smiled. “I don’t think any of us would be very happy on Mars.”

“You know what I mean.” Her mom narrowed her eyes and frowned. “I think you live under the misconception that Misty Mountain is home.”

“Misty Mountainishome. It’s the only home I’ve ever known. It’s part of who I am.”

But her mom was shaking her head. “I don’t think so. You’ve convinced yourself of that, but no matter where you lived, it’s all about what happens when you walk in that front door at night and Gracie greets you. Once you have a family, you can live anywhere as long as you’re together.”

But she wouldn’t have a family if she left Misty Mountain. Her parents were here, as were her regular clients—the ones she’d grown to love.

She was comfortable here, happy. But something was sorely missing from her life, and it wasn’t just the husband and family she wanted so much. No, it was the man who had been in her life until she was eighteen and then again this week. It was a man who was just as much “home” to her as this town.

If she took her family out of the equation, she had to admit that Misty Mountain wasn’t the same without Nic Winters in it. She just couldn’t believe it had taken her this long to realize it.

“I’m not saying you move to Louisville,” her mom said.

It took Charity a few seconds to realize what she meant. “Lexington,” she corrected.

“Yes, Lexington or Louisville or Ohio or wherever he is. I’m just saying be open to the possibility that home might be more than just the property that holds your house.” Then, taking a deep breath, her mom let it out as she looked around. “Well, my work here is done. The Christmas soup should be properly heated by now. I can make you a bowl if you’d like.”

Charity shook her head, still feeling a little stunned. “I can do it.”

“Do you have crackers to go with it?”

Nodding, Charity watched as Gracie hopped off the couch. She tried to keep her from doing that—especially since sometimes she ran right into the coffee table when she did it. But when company was leaving, there was no holding the dog back.

“If you need anything, you know where we are. Just say the word and we’ll be here in two shakes of a dog’s tail.”

That was her mom’s ongoing joke.

Yeah, if she ever left Misty Mountain, Charity would miss her mom and her dad…and so much more. But what if she could be with Nic outside of here? It’d definitely be worth considering changing her life plans for a man who seemed to have worked his way into her heart. Maybe she didn’t have to say goodbye to Nic, after all.


Chaos reigned at the main house on the farm. Nic saw that as soon as he stepped through the front door. As he pulled it shut behind him, he paused to assess the situation. It was Friday afternoon, quitting time, and all Nic wanted to do was go home and crash in front of the TV.

But no. If he’d been called here, it wasn’t good news. And the bad news would severely disrupt his night, if not his entire weekend.
