Page 35 of Ironheart

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"I'm good," she said, reaching up to stroke his face. "Let's go home."


Zori couldn't remember much about being a swan apart from the sheer elation and sense of freedom that came with being in the air.

Flying with Vladik wasn't frightening like she thought it would be, it was thrilling. Vladik's body was a warm furnace at her back, and it was only her mouth that was cold.

She didn't know how fast they were going, but Moscow had disappeared already, and she felt like she could breathe properly knowing Maxim was far behind her.

Are you doing okay, Zori?Vladik's voice gently brushed against her mind.

I'm good. This is incredible!She couldn't hide her excitement. They had left the main roads behind, flying over dense forests and only the occasional town. It wasn't snowing, and Zori felt like she was gliding through stars.

I knew you would love flying once you got used to it. Our kind belongs to the skies.

If that's true, how come the city is hidden under the lake?Zori asked. It was something she couldn't quite figure out.

Vladik's humor rumbled through the bond.It's not hidden under the lake, puppy. That's just a myth that we like to encourage so people don't come looking for us. The city used to be by Lake Svetloyar, but after it was harassed by Batu Khan, the priestesses moved it.

Zori frowned.How could they move a whole city?

You underestimate magic. When all the swan wives put their minds to it, they can move mountains. Literally. They moved the city deep in the Ural Mountains, close to where Morana's sacred caves are. It is where we were first created. The city is protected by the mountains and forests. Combined with the warding over it, no one can find it if they aren't a gargoyle or a swan wife.

It sounds amazing. You must have really missed it.

I did, but getting Misha back was more important. We have a family home in Kitezh, and it will be good to be living there. Especially when Misha recovers enough to come home.

Will I get to meet him?Zori asked. She was excited to be going to meet her grandmother, but Vladik was the only person she really knew already. She didn't want him to disappear on her.

Vladik must've sensed something through the bond because his big arms came around her.Of course you will meet him. Without your help, he would have still been stuck in that tower. He will want to thank you. I'm not going to pretend that your life isn't going to be busy once we get to the city, but I'll be around for as long as you want me, Zori. You're not going to get rid of me that easily.

I don't want to get rid of you at all. I'm just nervous, I suppose.

Having relationships of any kind was all so new to her. She didn't want to fuck it up and lose him. She wrapped her hands around his, hugging him back and taking reassurance that for now she was completely safe.

* * *

Despite saying she wouldn't,Zori ended up falling asleep as they flew. She woke as dawn began to turn the sky pink and gray. Vladik had landed in a snowy yard in front of a log cabin.

"You awake, Zori?" he asked, rubbing his knuckles gently over her cheek.

"Yeah, just now. Where are we?"

"This is the safe house. We are about halfway to Kitezh. We'll sleep here for a few hours before going on to the city. Be careful, your legs are going to be wobbly." Vladik loosened the straps holding onto her harness and lowered her to the ground. Zori's knees buckled, but she managed to remain upright.

"Oh, man, you weren't kidding. I feel like jelly. And I really, really need to pee."

Vladik laughed and pointed to a key safe next to the front door. "The code is 2764. Go inside, and I'll be there in a minute. I just want to do a check of the perimeter and makes sure the wards are still in place."

Zori stumbled through the snow on wonky feet and opened up the cabin. It smelled like lemons and cinnamon, and she fumbled through the half-light to where the toilet was.

By the time she was done, Vladik was inside and had a fire lit. He was back in his human form and was checking the cupboards.

"Food options are vegetable soup or Kaspian's supply of chocolate protein bars," he said.

"Soup," Zori replied with a soft laugh. "I need something warm, and no offense to Kaspian, but protein bars are only for when there is no other choice."

Vladik chuckled. "I agree. You sit by the fire and get warmed up. I've got this covered, puppy," he said, waving her out of the kitchen.
