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“Very well…” I paused again, as if hesitant to share, but eager to learn what trouble I had gotten myself into by hastily swearing an oath that was bound by magic rather than honor. “What if I were to tell you of another oath I took?”

“If you mean the Slayer’s pledge, I have no use for it.”

“No… not that.” I bit my lip, looking away as I solidified what would need to be censored, but playing as if I was still nervous.

“Does this oath affect me or why you’re here?”

“It does.”

“Very well. Let’s hear the tale.”

“I became the scapegoat to a person of considerable influence before coming here,” I said letting the familiar flare of hatred rise to the surface. “So much so that it jeopardized all that knew me. My training was no use against this person, and so when they made good on their threat, I was forced to make a deal with the only person who had enough power to reverse the wrongs done against me and the innocent. The effects of that oath are that I cannot sleep, not truly until my bargain is fulfilled.”

She bolted upright from the chaise, her own shadows flaring with uncharacteristic agitation. I sank deeper beneath the cloudy water as she wordlessly gaped at me. Her slender fingers were now bone white from the force of her clenching.

“You cannot dream?”

“No,” I said timidly, genuinely surprised by her visceral reaction to that news.

“You gave them up willingly?”

“Of course, they’re only dreams.”

She began to pace, more shadows gathering with each pivot to form a train of darkness, before snapping at me to rise from the bath. Shadows shot away from her before pausing to gently wrap around me as the bath drained.

She opened her mouth only to snap it closed again. She offered her hand to help me out of the tub which I took tentatively.


“You’ve said enough, I’ll tell you the effects, but we need to put a salve on the scrapes… and find clothes.” She murmured to more shadows as we entered the bedroom which disappeared through the door. She motioned me to the wardrobe where she opened a drawer full of tins labeled in what I now knew to be fae. She removed the lid to reveal a clear salve. She extended the tin for me to take, gesturing to my wounds. I took the tin and began applying it to the scrapes on my waist and sides, the shadows sliding away just enough to expose the wounds at my touch. She nodded satisfied before pulling out another dress, this one a dark green silk. She went about altering it into what might have been a nightgown except for it’s purposefully tight cut and lack of sleeves.

“Is there a reason for such exposure, or are you purposefully removing modesty for your own gain?” I blurted, surprising myself, placing the tin down and wincing at the wounds in my back I’d been unable to reach.

“If you’re referencing the fit, you’ll not want loose material on those as they heal, as for the sleeves I think it accentuates your build. Don’t most warriors like to exhibit the result of their training?” She held out the garment, like it was intended as an honest gift rather than torture. I grabbed it and attempted to slide it on over the shadows only for the wounds on my back to twinge further.

“You’re bleeding again, may I?” She offered the salve.

I nodded, more intent on feeling the relief of the salve than trying to avoid her touch.

There was no pain emanating from her slender fingers. The salve was placed expertly as if the scent alone was enough for her to locate each scrape. I tried not to notice the gentle precision, instead focusing on the relief the salve provided. Once she was done, she held out the garment I’d dropped. I raised my arms, and she helped settle it with minimal pain. True to her word the fit and fabric did nothing to aggravate the wounds. Walking to the bed I sat on the edge before facing her again.

“So what does the oath do? Make me fall in love with you?”

She laughed humorlessly, “Nothing so dark Nettle. Forced mating is grounds for a flightless life or death on my lands.”

“Good,” That was all I could think to say. I was glad, relieved really to know that wasn’t something viewed with any flippancy. And yet, once again she had surprised me. What kind of monster was so concerned with morals? With choice? What caused such a change of heart since she’d cursed me?

“The oath was sworn on the star of truth. It means that so long as our bargain stands you will be unable to lie without pain.”

“What??” I asked, outraged, perhaps she wasn’t as concerned with choice as I thought.

“I was surprised you agreed so readily, but it’s the only way I would be willing to not use the dreadlings to confirm your word. Now it would seem you have a habit of rushing into bargains you do not understand.” It was stated matter-of-factly but I couldn’t help but take offense. I had had no choice, or… at least it had felt that way in both instances. Either way why was she so hung up on the idea of my previous bargain? Lack of dreams and sleep was a logical price for waking me and keeping me from what was meant to be eternal sleep.

“Yes well, perhaps you’ve never known desperation, Mistress,” I said, gesturing abruptly to the luxurious space.

She turned away rather than answer and I couldn’t help but feel as if I’d landed a blow of my own, though there was much less joy in it than I anticipated.

A knock came from the door, followed by a stream of shadows that joined the others still clothing her.
