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“I’ll be the only vampire you train with as of now, and I’m dying to see your best.” He said with a wink. “So, what do you say? You wanna try to kill me, Nettle?”

“More than anything,” I said with a smile.

“That’s the spirit!” He said with a smirk, tossing me the bag and walking out of the bathroom. “Tell me when you’re changed! Or should I watch through the mirror?” He laughed, throwing a blanket over the offensive item to show he wasn’t serious.

I scowled, ripping the sack open to my leathers and boots freshly oiled, and another sack made of clothes that perfectly mimicked my original outfit though they smelled suspiciously of jasmine. Putting them on quickly I tried to ignore the scent mixing with the lingering memories of my arousal, as I finished off the last tie I threw the memory behind a locked door. It had never happened.

“Captain? I’m Ready.” I called out.

“Excellent!” His stomping gait carried him back into view. With a whistle the leash jumped into his hands. “Now, after last night why don’t you call me Ravensford?” He said before stepping closer. “Also, I’m supposed to blindfold you Nettle. Don’t want you learning too much about where you are and all that. But, since we’ve already gotten to know so much about each other how’s about we lose the leash and you can hold onto my arm? Friendly like?” He held out his arm as if he was about to escort me to the dance floor rather than a training are where he’d given me permission to kill him.

“Friends that want to kill each other?” I asked sarcastically.

“The best kind.” He said back.

“Fine, Ravensford,” I sounded out the name dramatically, “Just don’t walk me into a wall or I’ll bust your balls before I stake your heart.”

“Careful with those threats there Nettle, or I might just fall in love.” He said fluttering his lashes.

I laughed before remembering who he was. Who I was. Looking away I took his arm, and the shadows rearranged with another whistle into a perfect blindfold.


The blindfold was removed to show an empty courtyard just past dusk. I looked at the last fleeting rays of sun with delight, turning to see Ravensford standing in the shade, no apparent fear at the near sunlight. Was he immune?

He turned my attention to the racks of weapons lining the courtyard, winking in the light of the large fire pits. He must have seen my confusion at the open flame because he waggled his eyebrows before saying, “Fear of fire is something we try to eradicate in our recruits.”

Seemed an odd thing to focus on, but then I shouldn’t be surprised by the man who had the fashion sense of a crow. I’d noticed that fire was used throughout the castle as a means of lighting, odd, as it was one of the few ways to kill vampires. Though the flames were small and contained in glass orbs… was that what he was referencing, or was there another reason they needed to diminish a fear that ensured survival? Could it be that the creature from before really was a dragon?

“Right!” He walked in front of me gesturing again to the racks of weapons. “Pick your poison, Nettle.”

“I thought you wanted to see my speed?” I asked, trying not to drool at the unexpected turn of events.

“I do, but you can’t kill me without a weapon or twenty. I’d hardly expect you to run me to death.” He chuckled at his own joke gesturing to the weapons again.

I walked closer to a rack of axes; all were older but well sharpened and polished. “Who do your recruits think Nettle is meant to be? You let many bloods slaves out to play soldier?” I asked, looking toward the tall stone walls as if the other humans might be hiding in an alcove just out of my line of sight.

He turned, grabbing a two-handed long sword from the rack closest to him before tossing it toward me like it was just a stick.

I caught it, of course, but still, very ungentlemanly.

“You’re a soldier, I train soldiers. Don’t make it complicated.” He shrugged, examining the sword he’d chosen for himself.

“And the collar?” I asked, gesturing to the bit of shadow around my neck. The leash had disappeared, but it was still obvious.

“It’s just a bit of Jewelry love, some people would be jealous if they knew the Mistress put it on you.” He winked playfully, but I saw a flash of something else in his eyes. I wondered if that bit of knowledge was first-hand. I imagined how a collar would play into what I saw the night before and felt dizzy at the idea of him being pulled about willingly on a leash. Fuck. Why wouldn’t these images stay buried?

Rather than trust my words, I traded the sword for an axe and waited for him to turn around before racing forward, weapon lowered with the blade facing out to protect me. But right before I could land a blow. He was gone, moving just as fast as her. Much faster than anything had a right to be.

Tutting he pointed severely at me, “Nettle, I told you I wanted to see your speed, not feel it. Now, start again.” He jumped backwards which gave me more room to charge him.

I obliged, going as fast as I could, fast enough the world around me faded, but before I could so much as breathe on him he was behind me.

“Hmmm.” He said, as if he wasn’t sure my performance was measuring up to his expectations.

“As if you were ever this fast before you were turned.” I scoffed, annoyed by the impossible comparison.

“You want to bet?” He looked serious, as if he could prove something long since passed.
