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“Captain, if Jessa has no fear of me then I would request the return of my sword. It seems only fair we should both fight with the weapons we are most familiar with. Although, if she would rather admit she is under-equipped to fight me with my preferred blade I’d say it would be equal if we both are armed by the general armory.”

“This seems like a fair request Jessa, what say you? Shall we fetch the Slayer’s sword? Or will you admit your fear?” The Captain belted.

“I feel nothing but rage! Crave nothing but vengeance!” Jessa spoke, the burn of my mark confirming the fear in her darting eyes.

“Bring forward the Slayer’s sword then!” The Captain boomed.

The crowd parted slowly, a hush spreading as everyone caught a glimpse of the large wings and twisted horns that heralded The Mistress’ arrival. When she made it to the center of the yard everyone bowed their head once in reverence, a few mouthing words of gratitude in her direction. She nodded her acceptance before summoning a cloud of shadows through which my sword dropped into her awaiting hands.

“Before I allow this match to continue I have a few words for you all. While I recognize Jessa’s right to issue this challenge, and Nettle’s right to accept, I would like to remind you all what has brought us here. We are the only thing stopping Drago’s brutal push Northward. We can afford no division, no matter the match’s end. Slayer Rose, I will allow you to reclaim this weapon but only if you vow that you will use it for the sole purpose of bringing justice against those who would use their strength to terrorize the weak. Will you agree?”

I recognized the words I’d spoken not an hour before, and as I looked around I saw the crowd’s unity for what it really was, the solidarity and camaraderie of a shared purpose. A fellowship of humans and vampires against this man Drago. Looking back at Mara, I thought her gaze carried a plea, one so clear I could almost hear the ghost of her voice enter my mind.

I’ll not ask you to betray yourself, only don’t hurt my people.

I knew this might be the best offer I could expect. I stepped closer, kneeling at her feet while holding out my hand for her to draw blood from. Her lips whispered something against my palm before her fang sank into the flesh of my finger. There she allowed two drops of blood to drop into the sand before sealing the wound closed with a lick.

My sword fell into my hands as she launched herself up into the cloud of shadows and disappeared. A blur to my right had me rolling forward, unsheathing my sword at the end of my roll to see Jessa was done with waiting, the whip resting in the spot I’d just vacated.

The crowd applauded and shouted their approval at what must have looked to be a fully rehearsed spectacle, and I couldn’t help but smile as I saw Jessa’s eyes glowing red. This was going to be fun.

Neither of us had blinked, and as I kept twirling my sword, she raised the whips handle. I knew better than to look at it, could picture how the moonlight would flash down it, instead keeping my green gaze fixed on her red one. When my braid came down with a crack I lunged.

My blade, aimed for her throat diverted last minute to cut through the straps of her weapons belt instead, while my braid whipped through empty air yet again. Thudding against the ground at the same time as her belt which dropped pathetically around her. Interesting, so I couldn’t kill her. At least… not until I proved she was a traitor, or deserved justice. I heaved a sigh of annoyance as I noticed her eyes were the only part of her to follow my movements which meant she had none of the superior speed that the Captain or the Mistress had shown. This also meant that this could have been over quite quickly if it weren’t for the bargain. So, it looked like I needed to think of some questions.

I spun out of range again, raising my sword to rest on my shoulder while she scrambled to unsheathe her dagger before kicking the now useless belt away. She held the dagger horizontally in an attempt to shield her heart while raising the whip to use again. Turning, to keep me in view.

“Jessa, I’m afraid we’ve wasted all these good people’s time by calling them here for a fight your decades away from winning” I yelled, trying to match Ravensford’s taunting charm. It must have fallen short though as I didn’t hear his booming laugh above the taunts and boos of the crowd.

“I’ll not be insulted by a Slayer that kills the very vampires trying to protect the humans their order abandoned!” Jessa cried, earning shouts of agreement from the sidelines. So, it would seem The Mistress was telling the truth in that matter as well. It was a fair enough point, though I could hardly defend the slayers that had fallen to my curse without throwing myself further into harms way. How could I end this if I couldn’t kill her with my sword, and couldn’t think of a question that might expose her as deserving that death?

“Why not shut me up then? Bring this Slayer to her knees!” I challenged, my swords position still signaling my disbelief she could land a hit. Take the bait, I pleaded.

“Why try? I heard you got on them willingly enough last night! This Filthy Slayer has wormed her way into favor by spreading her legs so she can spread her lies. She is no savior like this false prophecy states! Only another of Drago’s spies come to destroy us!” She shouted.

She struck quickly but predictably, giving me no time to process her words before trying to whip my sword hand. I shifted so it would wrap around the blade and pulled. She released the handle rather than be pulled closer with only a dagger to defend herself. As she and the crowd delved further into a heated frenzy, I began to understand what Mara feared. I could now kill her with the whip, but it would not save either of us from the scrutiny of the crowd, or their thirst for a more attainable target in their fear of this Drago.

I unwrapped the whip carefully to prevent any of the hairs from being damaged further. Tucking the whip into my belt I spun to the side, lowering my blade to stop the stone aimed at me from hitting the person behind me. I made eye contact with the vampire, trying to communicate my good will before continuing my pacing the yard.

“I’m sorry, I was under the impression this death match was regarding my killing your mate in self-defense. Not to fling accusations at the people who have sworn to protect you. The question is now, did you even care for the person you claim as your mate? Or are they a convenient stepping stone to stage your coup and seize power?” I ask turning to look at the thirty vampires she’d brought with her. They all shifted, as if nervous by the accusation. This was why Ravensford looked giddy, he knew I could defeat her, but he also knew Mara would be able to draw me into a bargain that would cause me to hesitate unless she was deserving of the final blow.

Jessa licked her lips as she looked at the crowd that had fallen silent at the idea of mutiny. I didn’t have to know Drago or the strength of his forces to know civil war was the end of any rebellion. Mara knew it too, wanted me to see it with my own eyes that she was everything I didn’t believe her to be. She was a leader that inspired love and respect rather than fear and for whatever reason was protecting vampires and humans alike. She knew she could offer me my freedom as a reward for this fight because she had already foreseen that I’d either be smitten enough with her to accept her collar and claim her as my own or demand my sword and agree to a contingency that would help me see her people the way I viewed my own. I lowered my sword, speaking to the crowd as I’d seen my Master’s speak to the Slayers.

“I came here thinking you and every vampire were my enemies, believing wrongly that I knew all there was to know about your Mistress and this keep. My time here has shown me there is no reason for me to bear any of you ill will, and I apologize for the part I played in taking down your fellow compatriots. I no longer wish to be your enemy, but rather join you. If your purpose truly is to protect humanity, that is. I know nothing of prophecies or the fight you find yourself in, but it is my hope that I might atone for their lives not through dying in this ring, but by helping you reclaim what has been lost. The same I way I hope to help my fallen Slayers. What say you Jessa? Shall we call off this challenge and work together?”

I extended my hand to her, waiting with bated breath for her next move.

Jessa’s eyes began to glow, surrendering completely to her nature, perhaps out of confidence they would ensure her survival.

“You already sound like her with your pretty promises you have no way of keeping.” She growled, dropping to all fours like an animal about to pounce. I made no attempt to move as she leaped toward me. Stepping to the side at the last moment I grabbed her long red hair and yanked backwards while extending a foot that sent her stumbling to the ground. She let her dagger drop in an attempt to soften her fall and I kicked it further while holding my sword to her hair.

“You might not know this about my sword, but all it takes is a single cut for a vampire to turn to ash. I haven’t tried it on hair before, so maybe it won’t work. Maybe I’ll just repay the insult before I send you to whatever afterlife will take a coward.” I bring the sword closer to her hair but rather than stop or plead mercy she bares her fangs.

“I am no coward, you whore.” She snarled, more concerned for her reputation than her life it would seem.

“Then why take my braid while I slept? Why not demand a challenge then? Why wait until a prophecy is made about me unless it’s only power and influence that drive you?” I ask, again loud enough for others to witness.

She went limp in my hold, as if accepting her defeat before beckoning me in closer. I obliged, wondering if she wished to plead mercy and make our terms in secret.
