Page 109 of Fate of a Faux

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“What the fuck is he still doing alive?”

“He’s not a threat,” I answer, keeping my eyes on Odin. “I saw it. He was friends with your father.”

“So fucking what?” Sinner forces past clenched teeth, cocking his head as he rounds the table, ready to pounce.

Vicente enters the room then, stepping between Sinner and Odin. He lifts his chin. “It was King Arturo who trusted Odin to take our future Queen safely to Earth. He is the only reason she made it out of Rathe alive.”

My lips part, and Knight’s hold on me tightens as my eyes connect with Odin’s. He didn’t show me that.

His gaze softens as he stares at me, offering a small smile, but his face goes blank as he faces the brothers once more.

“Still think we should kill him.” Sinner shrugs. “Clean sweep of all council members and all that.”

“Sin—” A laugh bubbles out of me unexpectedly. I reach for him but before I can, the room around me turns to dust and I’m floating up above, lost in the dense sky of dark swirls and bright stars. “Holy shit.”

Knight’s hand comes to the front of my throat, turning me back to face him. My lips almost crash against his from the proximity when I reach up to hold myself up by the back of his neck. Veins swell at the surface of his skin as I drag my finger down the muscles in his arms.

“You skinned him alive...”

“I did.” His hands drop from my lower back, down to my ass. He pushes me up and I try not to look down.

“We’re floating?”

“We are...” He buries his face into the crook of my neck, sending soft whimpers rolling through my body. He must catch them because a growl vibrates against my throat. It wasn’t soft, or gentle. It was animalistic and forceful. It was the sound of a hungry wolf starved to death and finally getting the first taste of blood. It was Knight Deveraux... finally getting me back in his arms with no intention of ever letting me go.

“Why?” I ask, my eyes rolling to the back of my head. I can’t even fight the way my body responds to him if I wanted to. Everything is on fire and nothing else exists but us. Him and I and this moment right here.

“Because I’m done with that bullshit for tonight.” He traces little kisses up the side of my neck, catching my earlobe between his teeth and tugging on it gently. “And I want to fuck my mate somewhere where no motherfucker is gonna interrupt us.”

I climb up his long body, wrapping my legs around his waist and massaging my fingers into his hair. Tugging back, I force his eyes up to mine, my lips a ghost away from his. “So fuck me.”

His mouth collides with mine and my tongue slides between his lips. He licks fire against mine as he deepens, walking me backwards until my back hits something hard. I don’t even bother to turn around to see what it is because I don’t care. All I care about is being fucked so hard by Knight that I feel him inside me for years to come. I don’t ever want to not feel him inside of me. My clothes evaporate into thin air and his hand comes to my breast, his thumb slipping over my swollen nipple.

I hiss, grinding against him for a release. Any kind of release at this point. “Why am I naked but you’re not?”

He laughs into my mouth, and fuck if I don’t want to feel that between my legs—before I can finish my thought, he lifts me from my ass and I hook my legs over his shoulders, those same fingers that are buried in his hair now used as a harness for control. Or attempt to control. Warmth covers my pussy and the pastel shades of pink and blue blur together as my eyes water. My toes curl when his tongue presses against my clit, rubbing slick, hot circles around it like he’d designed it himself.

My hips buck forward as I chase more as his mouth moves over me in perfectly pressured thrums. “I need you, Knight...”

His fingers dig into my back, and I arch myself forward to be closer to him.Can demons breathe in other places other than their mouth?I hope so. Because I’m about to fucking suffocate him.

He walks us backwards before dropping me down slowly until I’m laying flat against a table. Leaning over my body, he hovers over my face before his hand takes me by the chin, squeezing me tightly. “I fucking love you.”

I pause, but my legs wrap around his waist, pulling him in closer.

He squeezes again, lowering himself until he’s right above me. “That word means jackshit to us, but if there ever was a word to describe how I feel about you, London, it’d be those cheesy fucking three words right there, but I don’t just love you.” I stop breathing, my heart rate staggering to a dangerous level. He presses his tongue to the base of my throat and slowly licks me up to my chin, before hovering above my mouth again. “I want to fucking ruin you.”

He squeezes my cheeks until my lips part, spitting in my mouth just as I feel his cock slam inside of me so hard I’m sure my cervix has snapped. Claw marks are left behind from the scream that tears out of me and my back arches off the table. I try to reach up for him again but his hand is already behind my neck, forcing me up to a sitting position as he continues to drive inside of me in perfectly rhythmed thrusts. He brings his other arm behind my back, locking me as close as possible to him. I ride myself over him best I can, matching his flow as his girth continues to stretch me farther and farther until I feel so full of him, I might fucking explode.


I kiss him hard, sinking my teeth into his bottom lip until blood slides down my throat. Smirking, I roll myself over him as he picks up the pace and the only thing that kills the silence is our slick bodies slapping together, hungry and desperate for each other. After being deprived, I want to fucking destroy him. Fuck him so hard and long that his cock would never recognize another pussy. Would forget it’d ever been inside anyone else—stop going down that road.A low growl leaves my mouth as I press harder against him. Hot tingles spread from my core, down to my toes as I find myself closer.

“Gonna start the next royal line...”

His whispers are lost in my moans as my orgasm raptures inside me and leaves scars in its wake. Before I can catch my breath, he shoves me further down over him and I yelp out in pain as hot cum fills me up inside. His breathing mellows out over my chest before he finally lowers me to my feet, our bodies peeling away from each other.

He flashes me a rare smile, one that showcases all of his teeth. Damn. He really should smile like that more often. “Well shit. If that doesn’t give you little demon babies, I don’t know what will.”
