Page 13 of Fate of a Faux

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Holding on to him.

Touching him.

Jealousy burns deep in my bones, and my hands ball into fists, every part of me aching to go to my mate. To remove her from his arms and take her into mine, but I force that shit away, draining myself of the weakness she bleeds into me just by being near. By existing.

Fuck this.

Fuck her.

“Knight,” Creed edges.

“Leave him,” Sinner snaps back.

Legend simply keeps coming forward, his chin held high. Silver stands back to stay out of this. As he fucking should.

Rage boils beneath my skin and I jerk the exact moment he does.

At warp speed, he whirls her around until her back hits the wall, spinning again in time to catch my fist to his jaw.

“What the fuck?!” I seethe, hitting him with a left this time, refusing to look at the girl who dropped like a fucking sack against the floor.“You got some fucking nerve, brother.”

He says nothing, taking my third hit before fighting back.

He shoves at my chest and I stumble a single step, lurching forward and tackling his ass to the ground. He throws up a portal and knocks me through it, and then we’re slamming into the wall at the other end of the room. His hand is on my neck, but I crash my head into his, reopening a wound that’s already there and whip him around, throwing him to the ground before stomping down on his throat.

“Enough,” Creed barks. “Get the bitch out and let’s get back to work.”

In my peripheral, Silver moves forward, and my head snakes around, staring as he drops beside London with slow, cautious movements.

That's when I finally look at her for real.

Her hair is matted with blood and what looks like dirt. The blood on her arms is soaked into the clothes she wears, and her skin is pale. Bruises mar her face and arms, and before I know I’ve done it, I’m standing over her.

Her palms are pressed to the floor, her eyes hardly open and head lulling from side to side.

Silver reaches out to touch her, and she flings an arm up, but then her eyes lift, crashing with mine.

She gasps, her lips parting.

Something crushes in my palm, and when a hand lands on my shoulder, I look to find Sinner. His eyes are white as he dips his chin, his fingers wrapping around my wrist.

I look down to find Silver’s wrist, the one that went to her in my grip, the bones broken, his hand folded the wrong direction. I let go, taking a step away, and then another.

“Explain,” I manage to force out.

“She tried to off herself,” Legend reveals.

Pain sears me, my chest caving in as a growl fights to be let loose from my throat. My Ethos stirs, begging to be free, but trapped beneath the truth of me and the girl before me.

He wants to go to her. Wants her to call him out and set him free.

Fuck that.

She doesn’t deserve his loyalty. She's trying to leave us.

Fuck all this.

“Silver healed her,” Legend finishes.
