Page 15 of Fate of a Faux

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Legend lifts a brow. “Kind of hard to kill a king when you don’t even know how to use your powers.”

“Maybe she does, how would you know?” I shove at him, but he doesn’t budge, and then we’re chest to chest. “You think you know her better than me, little brother?” Anger radiates from my every pore, and I can’t stop it.

Legend smirks, and I reach forward, ready to tear his fucking heart out. He's baiting me and he’s enjoying it.

Sinner and Creed step in, tearing me away and Legend laughs, dropping onto the couch he snuck away from, flipping into his half of dad’s files like he didn’t just make this ten times harder.

I jerk free, shoving my brothers off me and glare at my youngest one.

“She was beating the shit out of herself. Cut her arms from her wrist to her elbow, banging her head and fists on the marble until the bones broke so bad, Silver wasn’t sure he could get them back right without a senior level healer. She hasn’t eaten or drunk anything in four days, and she wants to die.”

My insides coil, twisting, and I swear the monster within me sinks his claws into my fucking flesh from the inside.

Legend’s eyes lift to mine knowingly. “We just lost our King, our fucking father, Knight. We can’t lose her too.”

“She’s no one.”

He nods slightly as he settles back on the sofa. “Maybe. But the beast shaking in your chest disagrees. She stays until he demands otherwise.”

Swinging around, I punch the fucking wall over and over until it’s a pile of rubble at my feet and my brothers say not a fucking word, because as much as we all hate it, it makes sense.

This isn’t about her. It’s about me.

I might not want her near, but there is a part of me, a part I can’t control, that does, and the last thing the people of Rathe need is an unhinged Royal on the tail of a dead one.

My mother will take to the skies tonight to make the announcement I’m not ready for.

To take the first step toward what comes next.

I don’t want it, but it doesn't matter.

The King of Darkness is dead...

It’s time for a new one.



Slowly,my eyes peel open and this time, I'm not lying on that same bloody marble floor, but tucked in a pillowy bed and wrapped in silk.

My hands go to my eyes, and I rub them hard before looking around the room.

It's giant and dark with expensive golden shit all over, but I don’t care enough to look closer. It’s all the same at the end of the day. Royal this, money wasting that.

These motherfuckers wouldn't last a day in the human world without the golden, magical fucking spoon they’ve been dealt. They have no idea how to struggle or survive on their own.

So, they’re made to go to Rathe U for a few years after graduating their version of high school here in Rathe, so fucking what. It teaches them nothing.

Well, at least not the Stygians. The Argents maybe, but those of Dark magic?

All it does is feed their filth. They find humans they want to toy with and they fucking play. They play until they get bored, and then it’s on to the next.

I thought I was just a toy, and damn if I wasn’t a willing one at one point, but now here I am. Lying in a bed of fucking silk with dried blood all over me and the same clothes from four days ago.

Lifting my arms from beneath the blankets, I inspect the damage, only to find nothing but thin lines from where the cuts were. Hate and shame fill me, and I look away.

I’ve never been suicidal, and maybe I’m not now. Maybe I thought about how I’m a fucking immortal being and knew it would only hurt for a while, but at the end of it I would be fine.
