Page 27 of Fate of a Faux

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I let out a deep sigh. She’s right. As much as I hate the situation I’m in. “I just need to go back to Earth.”??

She shakes her head. “No way! You can’t. I couldn’t allow you, at least not now. Right now, I need to take you somewhere safe in Rathe.”??

“You got somewhere in mind?” I fold my arms in front of myself, waiting for her to answer. I haven’t seen Kaia since the first time I met her, but I knew straight away that she was one of the good ones. Or maybe I’m deluded and she’s as crazy as everyone else.??

Before I can voice my worry, she closes the distance between us, resting her hands on mine. “I’m not. I mean, I am one of them, but not like that. “?

“How?” I’m too lost looking for answers on why she would want to ignore a possible beef with the Royal Family when I look down to my hand to see it healed. “I mean how are you not too afraid to go against them?”??

“It’s not about fear.” She tosses the hoodie back over her head, waving her hand over my body. Electricity prickles all over my skin when I look down to notice my other clothes have been replaced.??

“This your style, I’m guessing.”??

I take in the tight leather shorts, fishnet tights, black and white Jordans, and band T. “Not bad, Pixie.”??

“Come. We have to leave now.” She circles a portal in front of us. The opaque colors churn together like a colorful tornado, and we both step through. I don’t realize I do it without so much as second guessing whether I trust her or not until it’s too late.??

The portal snaps closed behind us and I’m instantly swept into the world of a pixie Fae. The dirt beneath my feet crunches, but when I look closer, I notice the sharp little twinkling of glitter scattered through it. The smell—oh god, the smell. Like freshly cut blades of grass after a light rain shower of rosewater. Trees burst from the ground below, reaching for the night sky and I tilt my head back to get a better look at the branches. Soft lilacs, shades of burnt orange and blushing pink.??

“Sorry about the mess. My aunt is away, and I can’t be bothered wasting pointless energy on cleaning.”??

My mouth hangs open slightly as I try to catch my words. I shouldn’t be so surprised. Kaia is an earth pixie. They’re not only eccentric, but they ooze confidence. You can’t tell them anything other than what their intuition tells them. This is no different.??

“Do you live in the forest?” I ask, turning around the space. I spot a wooden kitchen hidden behind a line of shrubs, before other items in the sitting room start to become obvious. A large screen floats in the air, directed toward a pink L-shape sofa.??

“Nah.” She unbuttons her cape and tosses it onto a rose-gold table. “The forest lives with me.” Even with the naked eye, I can’t see where the forest ends. She falls down onto the sofa, holding my stare. “There are walls—” she almost rolls her eyes. “I’m not a complete anim—” she stops herself, seemingly thinking about her next words. “Well…”??

I choke on my laugh, carefully making my way to the other side of the sofa. There’s a small coffee table between us with a stack of Louis Faeton and Saint Lycan piled on each other.?I almost laugh at the names, wondering if the human world knows some things are secretly stolen from this realm or the other way around.

“You don’t have to worry.” She runs her fingers through her hair to pile it all onto the top of her head. “I swear to you I have pure intentions.”??

When I don’t answer, she studies me closely. “Do you know how to read people’s intentions?”??

Not very long ago, I would have said yes. That I’m fantastic at reading people. That my intuition was always right, but now??

I shake my head, feeling stupid. I hate this. I don’t do well when exposed and vulnerable. The only person who I could freely fall apart in front of is gone now. You have to be careful who you fall apart in front of, because most people will steal bits that belong to you without the intention of giving it back.

I swallow past the new lump that’s formed in my throat. “No. I guess not.”??

Kaia’s eyes move all over my face, and I swear she’s deciding what to tell me next. She’s risked landing her ass in hot water by helping me. I know that I at least owe her some confidence.??

“Sorry,” I add, my shoulders sagging in defeat. “I’m finding it hard for me to trust anyone from this world.”?

She leans forward and slides off the top of the coffee table, revealing a hidden drawer. She starts moving things around before taking out a long rolled—I’m guessing joint, and a small clear bag of purple glitter.??

She nods. “That’s to be expected with your history.”?

She lights the end and I sink further into the couch, allowing myself a second to let my guard down. It’s not like I have any other options right now. I don’t even know how to conjure up my own portal to get me out of here, and as much as I know Kaia wants to help, I’m guessing there’s a reason why she didn’t open a portal straight back to Earth.?Not that I’m even sure I have anything to go back to there.

I can’t possibly face what I thought was my home without the boy who made it feel like it was.

“Speaking of.” She hands me the burning blunt and I look between her and the ganja.??

The last time I did this was with the Mage, and I can’t say that I hated it. In fact, my life could not possibly get any worse at this point. So, I take it, bringing it to my mouth. Inhaling, I let the sweet smoke settle at the back of my throat before slowly exhaling through my nose and mouth. It takes seconds for the effects to take hold, and as each one passes, my muscles relax even more until my eyes weaken and my mind feels lucid.??

“Why aren’t you mad at me about my father? And how do you know about him when, as far as I can tell, no one else does?”

She stares off into the distance. She probably won’t answer me. I wouldn’t answer me.??
