Page 31 of Fate of a Faux

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“Do not—”?

“Reveal the fifth, Monster.” My skin prickles. “I haven’t got all day.”?

The man’s eyes move to mine, a man my father knew well, and after a long, steady hold, he gives a slow nod.??

He dips his head, closing his eyes, but no glass cube comes forward.??

Instead, a portal begins to take shape before me, the whirling colors lighting up the room completely. It opens, and a husky, rhythmic laugh fills the air.??

My insides clench, my pulse spikes, all to come to a complete standstill.?

I fly to my feet in seconds as frosty hair burns my retinas, soft hands curving over the back of a couch, fishnet fucking stockings wrapped tight around her curves. With the speed of light, I jerk forward, grabbing the white hair by its roots, and haul it through the opening.?

Someone shouts, but the gateway is closed before I can figure out who it was, and then London is lying at my feet.??

Her wide eyes snap all around, glossy and intoxicated. Finally, her glass eyes land on mine and my fucking fingers ache to ease her... but when five seconds later she jumps up with a glare, I want to wring her fucking neck.??

“Who the fuck was that, and where the fuck were you?!” I demand.??

“Excuse me?!” she screams. “Fuck you! Who do you think you are?”??

“Watch your tongue.”?

“Watch yours, you coward! Murderer! I—”??

Her mouth seals shut, lips disappearing, and fear instantly clouds her eyes. I look at my mother, whose eyes have turned completely white. ?

“Enough,” I snap.??

My mother’s head turns my way, her glare slowly appearing as the color comes back to her gaze. She faces forward then and eventually, London’s lips are freed.??

It takes a moment, but I remember why we’re here... and that I was waiting for the fifth and final chosen who would be on the court for the Evolution of a King.??

“No.” I look to the Monster. “Fuck no.”?

I can’t live in the same quarters as her.

Can’t see her every fucking day.

Can’t go an entire fucking day without seeing her either...


Odin takes a single step forward. “Rejected or not, the fated holds the first spot in the courtship. This is how it has been since the beginning of time. Fate demands it.”?

“Wait...” London shakes her head, spinning to look at the boxes in the corner, the girls hung up and on display, like toys in a store.? Essentially, that is what they represent. At least at this stage anyway.??

“Wait!” she shouts this time. “I have to be on the courtship? The courtship that is only taking place because we don’t want each other as mates?!”?

My chest bows, and I have to slam my fist into it to straighten.??

Her words shouldn’t fucking hurt, yet it feels like the dagger at my side is digging into and twisting beneath my ribs, and it’s bullshit.??

I don’t want her.??

I rejected her.??

Not the other way around.?
