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“Let up, Mare. Let the girl breathe.” Dad gently pulls her off me. “Do you have any bags in the car?”

I shake my head and lift my bag. “It’s just for a night. Needed to get away.”

Mom’s eyes instantly fill with worry. “Is everything okay, honey?”

I nod. “Yes. Yes. I just needed a break, you know?” I give her a look that says, We’ll talk later.

I don’t want to bring it up in front of my dad. If anyone was hit hard by my stupid suicide attempt, it was him. He was mad that he hadn’t been able to protect me. He felt for a long time like he’d failed me, and that’s not something I want him to ever feel again. I don’t want him to know that it still affects me now.

I want him to think I have my shit under control. I don’t like to lie to him, but if he doesn’t ask, I won’t tell. And if I don’t mention it, chances are he won’t ask.

“Okay. You’ll have to sleep in the spare room tonight. Nana’s here.”

Oh shit. “Crazy, forgetful Nana?” I groan.

Dad laughs. “She’s as batty as she always was. And she’s mentioned your name at least five times in the last hour.”

“Shit. I should have called,” I sigh, walking into the house.

“I heard that, ya little shit! It’s my mind that’s goin’. Not my hearing!”

I shuffle into the conservatory sheepishly and bend to give the old woman a cuddle. “Hey, Nana. How are you?”

“I’m good, good. Batty as I always was!” She shoots Dad a fondly annoyed look, and he laughs.

“Great. Now why are you sleeping in my bed?” I wink at Mom.

“Because the spare room is shit,” she says matter-of-factly. “The mattress is like a wooden plank.”

“Nice of you to save it for me.”

“If I knew you were coming, I would have waited until next week,” she retorts.

“I’m wishing I’d called ahead.”

“You should have. It would have given me time to get the hell out of here.” She winks at me exaggeratedly, adding a wide-mouthed smile for a good measure.

“I’ll book you a flight now then!” I laugh. “Get packing, old woman.”

She grabs a mint from the pack on the arm of her chair and throws it at me. “Mary, didn’t I teach you to respect your elders? Why didn’t you pass it on to your daughter?”

“I respect you, Nana,” I say innocently. “I just have way more fun fucking with you.”

“Olivia!” Mom gasps over Nana’s loud laughter.

“Well, what your mother didn’t teach you, I sure did.” She winks again. “Oh, Mare, don’t be so strait-laced. I heard you out there swearing at the casserole earlier. What was it you said? ‘Stupid fucking casserole dish being so fucking damn hot!’ Amongst others.”

Mom blushes appropriately. “I went to put it back in the oven without my gloves. It slipped out.”

I give her a pointed look. “Yes, Mom. We all believe it slipped out.” I roll my eyes.

“Speaking of casserole,” Nana says. “Is it ready yet? My stomach is digesting itself.”

“It should be. Come out to the kitchen and we’ll see.” Mom strides out of the room.

I cross the sizable room and help Nana from her chair.

“Thanks, dear.” She pats my arm. “Oh, you should probably know I’m sleeping in your room. The spare bed is fucking terrible.”
