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Tyler pulls back and runs his hands up my body until they reach my face. “What is it?”

I swipe under my eyes, wiping away the remaining wetness, and look at him. “Why didn’t you tell me your sister was staying with you?”

A smirk tugs at his lips. “I didn’t want you to freak the hell out. Like you did when Day told you.”

I bite the inside of my lip. “It was a surprise.”

He laughs and releases me, heading toward my kitchen. “No shit. She wants to get away from London. I told her she could stay at my place for a few weeks. She’ll stay, go home for a couple weeks, then come back for the wedding.”

The wedding?

Oh, Aaron and Dayton’s. Right. Phew.

Little mind-jump there.

I follow him and sit at the table, bringing my feet up onto the chair and hugging my knees. “Do I have to meet her?”

“If you think you can avoid her, I’ll give you a medal.” He opens my cupboards one by one.

“Okay. I guess I’m resigning myself to the seriousness of our five-day-old relationship.”

His brown eyes shine with amusement. “I love how you think this just started.”

“It only just officially started. I’m going with official.”

“The day you walked into that damn shoot and didn’t fight me, you were mine. It’s been way longer than five measly fucking days.” He shuts the fridge and sighs, turning. “Do you have anything to cook in this place?”

My gaze flicks from side to side before finally finding his. “Um.” I chew the inside of my cheek and shrug in a way I hope is cute.

He fights his smile, shakes his head, and pulls out his phone. Muttering the word, “Dominos,” he holds the phone to his ear and grins at me.

And as he reels off an order, it doesn’t escape my notice that, despite my breakdown, we didn’t really sort anything out at all.

I open my legs and arch my back. And hit a solid wall of muscle.

The solid wall of muscle groans, and I roll onto my side at the same time that it—Tyler—makes a grab for me. Unfortunately for me—or fortunately, depending on how you look at it—he’s quicker. He loops an arm over my body and physically yanks me back into him.

I squeak as my back hits his chest.

“Morning,” he mumbles into my shoulder, leaving a line of kisses along my skin.

“Go away,” I reply, shuffling away. “I need the toilet.”

“Sexiest thing I’ve heard in a while.” He laughs, releasing me, and blood rushes to my cheeks.

Shit. Note to self: replace brain-to-mouth filter.

With my cheeks still flaming, I climb out of bed and run into my bathroom. I flatten my palms against my cheeks while I…take care of business. Then I slowly walk back into my room.

Tyler’s leaning against the headboard and has turned the TV on. “Be a love and get me a cup of tea.”

“That has to be the most British sentence I’ve ever heard,” I reply, whipping the covers away from him. “And the answer is a big fat no.”

I jump into the bed next to him. The controller hits the ground with a thunk and Tyler’s hands grab my waist. He tugs me down the bed until I’m flat on my back and leans over me.

“I wasn’t asking you, babe. I was telling you.”

His voice hums over my chest, making my pulse thrum in my neck.
