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I watch the mini exchange with a smile slowly spreading across my face. These two are like bread and butter and chalk and cheese. It’s incredible to see. So alike but so different.

I also get why he’s so protective her. She looks so innocent, so freakin’ cute, but her personality totally makes up for it.

I mean…wow.

Tyler runs his tongue across his teeth with a grin. “I need some ibuprofen already.”

I laugh and wrap my arms around his waist. An uncontrollable urge to just hold him is coming over me. A scary, enticing urge I simultaneously want to fulfill and fight.

His arms circle me tightly and he breathes me in deeply. “See? That wasn’t so bad.”

“Yet. I think I’m already kind of in love with her,” I tease.

“Oi!” He nuzzles my cheek. “You don’t get to fall in love with her first. I’ll have to withhold all spankings if that happens.”

“That’s quite the threat.”

“Mhmm. In fact, I’m pretty sure you’re not allowed to love anyone other than me. Ever.”

“I never said I did love you.” Wow, this is awkward.

“Does it matter? You’re still not allowed.”

“What if I never love you?”

“Then you best hope Angus lives another fifty years, ‘cause you’re totally fucked, babe.”

I smack his ass. “Bastard.”

He pulls back and grins. “Breakfast?”

“If you’re paying.”

He lets me go, sighs dramatically, then passes me my heels. At least they match the shirt.

“If it’s not my mouth, it’s my food. If it’s not my food, it’s my money.”

My lips curve and I rest my hand on his chest. “And if it’s not your money, it’s your cock. I guess that’s what you get for being so goddamn irresistible, Tyler Stone.”

He runs a hand through his hair and closes the door behind us. “I try, baby girl. I try.”

Unnecessarily, I want to add.

The guy would be irresistible wearing an Olaf costume.

I slide two pints across the bar and take the offered ten-dollar bill. I ring the order up on the register then hand the guy back his change with a smile. He nods in response and grabs his drinks.

Old Dill waves his glass from the end of the bar. I make my way down to his end and grab his glass.

“It isn’t gonna be the same around here without you, Liv,” he says, watching as I pull his pint.

“Don’t be silly. I’ve only been here a few months. Give it a few weeks and you’ll forget all about me.” I wink and set the full glass down in front of him.

He hands me a twenty, and I raise my eyebrows.

“What’s this? Spoiling me by paying cash on my last day?” I tease.

He laughs. “Don’t tell Donny. He’ll expect it every fuckin’ day.”
