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I laugh and ring it up. I set his change on the bar next to his glass and lean against it. “I might actually miss this place, you know.”

“Of course you will. What’s the name of the place you’re managing?”

“Crimson Lounge.”

“Sounds fancy.”

“Aaron Stone is the owner. What do you expect?”

Dill whistles low. “In there with the big boys.”

I laugh. “Perks of having a best friend who fucks the guy in charge.” I wink and move to serve a couple halfway down the bar.

I regretfully tell them that we don’t serve food when they ask and get them two glasses of Pinot and two bags of chips instead. Hey, they must really need a drink.

“So how fancy is this fancy bar?” Dill asks when I return to him.

I open the glass dishwasher and wave the steam away. “Cocktail-shaking men,” I answer. “VIP area. Dress code. Opening night is invite-only.”

He whistles again. “And you’re going to manage that?”

“Right?” I raise my eyebrows. “I can’t even paint my friggin’ nails without them looking like a toddler tried it. Now, I’m going to manage a place like that. Moving up in the world.” I wink.

“How about that there modeling? Seems like you were busy a couple weeks back.”

I inwardly wince. Despite Tyler’s proclamation that I got the Balfour campaign, I still haven’t spoken to Sheila about it. In fact, we haven’t spoken for a week—and it’s not like I can call her.

Can you imagine? “Hey, Sheila. I heard I got the Balfour campaign from the photographer I’m fucking. Thanks for reintroducing us on that Victoria’s Secret shoot that totally failed, by the way. Mind? Blown.”



“Waiting to hear back on a couple of things,” I tell Dill evasively. Hey, it’s not a lie. Technically, I am.

“Well, I hope they see sense and get your pretty face up on them boards.” He tilts his pint toward me.

“Hitting on my woman, Dill?” Tyler slides onto the stool next to him.

I can’t help my smile. It’s automatic at the sight of him. Much like the butterflies in my tummy whenever I hear his voice.

“Wouldn’t dream of it, son!” Dill laughs and slaps the bar. “Tried it more than once and she put me right in my place. Didn’t ya, Liv?”

“If only I were thirty years older.” I wink.

“Hey now.” Tyler holds his hands up. “Don’t let me interrupt.”

I laugh. “Shut up. Aren’t you supposed to be taking your sister for dinner?”

“Yeah,” Tessa says over his shoulder. She sits next to him. “Do you know his idea of dinner is Mc-fucking-Donald’s?”

I chew the inside of my cheek and nod. “Um, yes.”

“Hey, y’all want me to buy you dinner all the time, you gotta take the cheap stuff.”

I stare at Tyler flatly. “Honey, we aren’t in Texas. Tuck your y’alls away and don’t bring them out again until you dress up as Woody from Toy Story for Halloween, okay?”

Dill laughs loudly. “Hell, I’m gonna miss you, girl.”
