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The tension zings. It bounces off him and me, colliding in the tiny space between us and igniting like fireworks on the Fourth of July.

My chest heaves with anticipation. I want his touch. Despite my earlier thoughts about the sex overriding the rest of our relationship, when we’re here, like this, so close, I can’t help but need him inside me. I can’t help but want to be so connected to him.

“There’s more to us.” The words leave me, barely audible, unintentional.

“What do you mean?” he whispers into my ear.

“Than our addiction. There’s more, isn’t there? It’s stronger than our addiction. More intense, yet just as dangerous. It’s lingering under the blanket of our addictions.”

Tyler eases one hand around my front and up my body until he’s cupping the back of my head. “Yeah. Yeah, there’s so much more than our addiction.”

I press my face into his chest as Nana’s words come back to me. “When you’re in love, you’ll know it.”

“We are so fucked,” I whisper into his shirt. “So fucking fucked.”

He laughs quietly. Sadly. “You think that’s what this is? Fucked?”

“Feels like it.”

He cups my face. His palms are hot against my cheeks, burning into my skin as his gaze sears into mine. “Liv, when you see you and me as something other than ‘fucked,’ we can come back to this.”

He releases me and heads for my door.

Panic constricts my lungs. I can’t breathe. He’s going. Why? Why is he going? He can’t go.

“Where are you going?” I almost shout, pressing my fists into my stomach.

“Somewhere other than here so you can think about what you and I really are.”

Going? No. No—he’s not walking away when I’ve finally told him that there’s more than just sex. It was a totally roundabout way, but I told him. And I don’t need to think.

I know what we are. We’re crazy and painful and consuming. We’re the rainbow through the storm and the rain on a hot summer’s day. We’re the light and dark, everything bad and everything good.

“Don’t go.” The words tumble from me. Desperately, my voice cracks and I beg. “Ty. Don’t. Please.”

He stops in the doorway and turns. I can only just see his eyes meet mine. My eyes are blurred from the tears filling them.

He can’t go. Shit. This is fucked because I make it so. Every time. Me. Always me.

“Please,” I whisper, looking down. “Please.”

“Fuck.” He kicks the door shut with a resounding bang and pulls me into his arms. “I’m not going anywhere.”

I grab his shirt and collapse into him. “Don’t. Don’t go.”

“I’m not.” His words are shuddery, and he soothingly runs a hand through my hair. He holds me tighter.

“Good,” I whisper, fisting his shirt tighter. “I’m sorry. I just…” I squeeze my eyes shut.

“What, Liv? You just what?”

“I’m so afraid of loving you.”

“Don’t fear that, baby girl. Anything but that.” He drags me toward my room and onto my bed. My head rests against his chest. His heart is pounding beneath my ear, his fingers gripping me tight, his breath hard and fast against the top of my head.

“I am. Do you know how close I am? Do you know why I fight you? Why I fight us?” I pull up and pinch my finger and thumb, leaving a tiny space between them. “This close, Ty. This fucking close. And it scares the ever-loving shit out of me.”

He grabs my face and makes me look at him. He physically forces my eyes to look into his.
