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“Oh, a whole night. I’m honored. Is it just dinner or are we on a schedule?” I reach for the bag again.

He drops it on the chair behind him and grabs my wrist, pulling me into him. “We’re on a schedule,” he murmurs, sucking gently on my bottom lip. “Because I need enough time to tie those pretty little wrists up and fuck you until you scream.”

I inhale sharply. “Promises, promises.”

“Never promises. Always certainties.”

“Then you should start cooking dinner, shouldn’t you?” I grin, kiss him quickly, and then swipe the bag of chips off the chair behind him.

He sighs, but it’s spoiled by his laugh. I deliberately take a huge bite of three chips in one go. They make a loud crunch as I do, and my grin widens when he glances over his shoulder at me. His shoulders tremble with the laughter he’s failing to hide.

It’s shining in his eyes. A sparkling, warm glint that makes my heart thump, it’s a beacon of his amusement.

I perch on the chair and dump the bag on the table. Resting my cheek on one of my hands, I scratch Angus’s head with the other. He purrs loudly beneath my fingertips, but most of my attention is on Tyler.

He navigates my kitchen with ease, and I wonder if he’s as… I am—if he’s stolen a minute of searching my apartment here and there like I have his. I’ve sure as shit never shown him where I keep my saucepans!

He deposits the meat into a pan and heats it. Sizzling fills the air as it cooks, the sound interrupted whenever he stirs it. He chops the onions and peppers like a pro, slicing them up small, and I could swear he sets a second pan of water boiling and stirs the meat at the same time.

“How was your day?” he asks, opening the can of kidney beans.

“That’s a cozy question,” I reply. “I did everything I needed to and managed not to anger Bridezilla in the process. So all in all, it was a success.”

“Did she ask about the hen party?”

“Yes, she asked about her bachelorette party. I thought she was going to die of shock when I told her I finally booked it.” I grin, remembering the way her eyes widened. “She couldn’t believe I booked in ten days before she wanted it.”

“How did you manage that?”

“I might have booked a hotel that Aaron manages the advertising for. I might have name-dropped, and they might have conveniently had a cancellation while we were on the phone.”

Tyler laughs loudly. “And did you get that from my sister?”

“Actually, no. I used this thing called a brain. You might have heard of them.”

“Oh, you mean you have one, too? I thought that peculiar phenomenon only existed at the end of my cock.”

I bite the inside of my cheek. “Dick.”

“How apt.”

“You’re such a twat.”

He looks over his shoulder and winks. “I love it when you call me that. It’s kind of hot.”

“Twat? Really? That’s hot?”

“Oh, no, wait. That’s just me.”

I cover my mouth with my hand to stop my laughter escaping and hold my phone to my ear. “Hello, 911? We have a serious cause of Overgrown Ego-Itis that needs immediate attention.”

Tyler leans across the table and grabs the phone off me, laughing to himself. “You’d be missing out if I wasn’t so cocky. Shit, Liv. Could you imagine how bad I’d be in bed?”

“What the hell does that have to do with your ego?”

“Clearly it has everything to do with it. If I weren’t so confident in my abilities to fuck you into next week, I wouldn’t be able to tell you all the filthy things I want to do you.”

“Oh yeah?” I raise my eyebrows. “Like what?”
