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I curl my fingers around the card and take it. “I will.”

“And, Liv?” He steps closer to me and presses two fingers to my temple. “Addiction is all in the mind. So is willpower. You don’t have to succumb to anything you don’t want to.”

I give him a sad smile and gently lower his hand. I put two of my own fingers to my heart. “But my feelings are in here, and no amount of willpower will make those go away.”

“You would be surprised at the power of the mind.”

“The power of my mind is why I am where I am and feel what I do. Nothing about that can surprise me any longer.” I grab my phone from the table next to my chair and sigh. “I understand what you’re saying, March, but it simply isn’t that easy. It’s not a matter of box A and box B. There’s no compartmentalizing when this situation arises. When emotion and addiction collide, you need a whole lot more than willpower.”

“Perhaps you should believe in your ability to conquer your addiction. We all have our vices, Liv. Yours are just stronger and more destructive than most.” He follows me to the front door and opens it for me. “Perhaps you should use this weekend as a blessing in disguise, time to fight against your addiction. It will make you stronger.”

“I’m strong, March. I’m strong enough to recognize and accept this for what it is, but that doesn’t mean I’m strong enough to fight it.” I walk through the door and look at him. “Rome wasn’t built in a day.”


“Meaning recovery won’t happen in a day either. You should know that.” With that, I walk to my car and get in, leaving him staring after me.

My phone buzzes in my hand and I pull up the message with shaky fingers.

Go by the truffle store and pick up my order. I’m stuck with the caterer and a last-minute menu adjustment.

I smile at Day’s text despite my disappointment.

I hope you’re wearing a hat to hide your horns, Bridezilla. See you later.

“Last-minute menu adjustment my ass!” Day fumes. “Just under a month to go and they’re all, “We can’t get this from our supplier. We’ll have it take it off the menu.”

“What meal was it?” Tessa asks, crossing her legs in front of her.

“The vegetarian one!”

“So you don’t have a veggie option?” I stare at her as she puts three wine glasses in front of us.

Day laughs loudly. “Oh, no, I have a vegetarian option. I told them I didn’t give a shit what their usual supplier stocked. If they wanted their payment in full, they’d find me a supplier that did stock it.”


“They’ve found a supplier that will stock it. After I pointed them in the direction of several.” She scoffs, pouring the wine. “Bastards fucking up an already shit day.”

I share a glance with Tessa.

“What’s happened?” she asks softly.

Day sighs and sits down. “I just wish it were the wedding already, you know? I know, I know. I was freaking out like a week ago”—she glances to me—“but the agency signed a new model two days ago.”

“Who was it?”

“Naomi’s protégé.”

“No fucking way!” I snap. “How?”

Day shrugs. “There was no basis not to. Besides, it’s not breaching the rules Aaron set out. It just really bugged me. I know they’re the best agency and the girl is promising, but with all the shit with flowers and caterers dropping out and now this, it feels like we’ll just never be able to get married and just be fucking happy.”

“Marriage is overrated,” Tessa puts in. “Seriously, love, he’s all picking up his socks and putting his dirty bowl in the sink now, but the second that ring is on his finger, you bet your arse you’ll be finding those bowls under the sofa and socks stuffed behind the toilet.”

I snort. “Your brother is never changing then.”

Day laughs quietly. “Keeping a man is like house-training a puppy. You find their shit everywhere.”
