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“Well, now that you put it that way, Angus’s hatred of Tyler makes total sense. I’m introducing him to a dog.”

Tessa giggles. “You don’t have to worry until you start finding blond hairs on the back of the sofa and a used condom behind the bin because he’s a rubbish shot.”

Day and I both wince. “Ouch,” she said. “So you knew before?”

“I thought he was, but I couldn’t go to my lawyer without definitive proof. After all, the maid was blond.” She shrugs. “I’m not so bothered anymore. Like I said, he’s a rubbish shot. He couldn’t find the G-spot if you gave him neon signs inside your vagina.”

I choke on my mouthful of wine at her words. It goes up my nose and burns like hell, but I pinch my nose and breathe until the sensation leaves.

“Talk of the devil,” she sighs, grabbing her ringing phone from the table.

“Wait. Doesn’t he know you’re here?” I ask.

She grins and lifts the phone to her ear. “Hello, darling. Has Blondie left your sorry, lost arse already?”

I purse my lips and look away to fight my laughter. Tessa winks and walks to the window. Day and I catch each other’s eyes and grab a pillow each to laugh into.

“Don’t be unreasonable? I’m actually being very reasonable. You’re the one who was playing with toys that weren’t yours to play with… It was just once? Pull the other one. I’m not a doormat… Oh, good. You got the letter from my lawyer… You don’t agree? Now that is unreasonable. You signed the prenup. You knew what would happen if you went elsewhere…” She sighs and puts a hand on her hip.

Day nudges me and whispers, “How you doing?”

“I’m fine.” I frown.

“Without Ty.”

“Shit,” I answer honestly. “I miss him. He hasn’t called yet and I’m sitting here like a girl after a first fucking date.”

She squeezes my hand. “He’ll call soon, I’m sure.”

“I don’t need my family to fight anything for me. You forget I run the UK business and very successfully. I deal with my lawyer, not my father, so don’t bring my family into your fuck-up…” Tessa laughs silently into her hand. “Okay… Oh, darling, I’d love to meet you for lunch, but I’m afraid I’m not in London… I’m in Seattle.”

A loud noise comes through the phone before she drops it and laughs loudly.

“Oh boy, that was fun. Surprise, knobhead!” She giggles again and sits on the sofa. “Well, I imagine he won’t be calling again for a while.”

“Sounded…interesting.” Day smirks.

“’It was only once…’ ‘I promise it’ll never happen again…’ ‘Oh, Tessa, baby, come on. We can make this work.’” Tessa imitates a man’s voice. “Once my arse. Never happen again my arse. We can make this work my bloody vagina!”

“I am never getting married.” I grin, hiding behind my wine glass. “There’s more drama in it than anyone needs.”

“Word,” Dayton mutters. “Did you get my truffles?”

“Uh, did you miss the huge box on the kitchen table?” I point to it.

She looks over the back of the sofa and groans. “I should have hired someone to do them for me.”

“It’s not too late,” Tessa says. “You could still hire someone so we can just sit here and drink wine all night.”

“I’m with her.” I point in her direction and pick up a handful of ribbons. “I mean, look at these. How fiddly are they?”

Day studies it for a minute. She opens her mouth to speak, but my phone buzzing interrupts her. I pull it from my pocket and a grin spreads across my face when I see Tyler’s name on the screen.

“Be right back,” I tell the girls, skipping into Aaron’s office. “Hello?” I answer, a deep breath making me sound breathless.

“Hello yourself.” His voice wraps around me like a blanket, and I close my eyes to the sound of it.

“What took you so long to call?”
