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He smiles at me and sweeps me into his arms. I tuck the quilt over us and snuggle into him, the warmth of his skin soothing to me as we entwine our legs and drape our arms around each other.

“Where’s Angus?” he says against my forehead.

“Out getting pussy. No pun intended,” I add when his body shakes.

“Good lad.” He tightens his hold on me, and I smile.

“You wouldn’t believe you had me against the shower wall not so long ago.”

Tyler laughs softly. “It’s what I’m here for, baby girl. I’ll fuck you hard and love you gently. That’s all that matters.”

Too true. I curl into him, savoring the feel of his skin against mine. His breath flutters across the top of my head.

“Love you, dirty Brit boy.”

“Love you, sassy American bitch.”

Yet again, Tyler Stone is navigating his way around a kitchen with ease. The guy is handsome as hell, fucks like a god, and can cook up a storm—it’s really quite unfair.

He’s also protective, almost to a fault.

If I have to tell him one more time that he didn’t impale the baby with his penis last night, I’m going to take the knife out of his hand and shove the handle up his ass.

Agreeing to dinner with his parents, in hindsight, wasn’t my smartest move. The moment I smelled coffee this morning, I had to make a rather swift detour to the bathroom. As it is, my toilet bowl and I are now very well acquainted, and I’ve broken up with coffee.

It was a sad moment, but considering that my stomach is still a little vile, I’m glad I chose to do it.

My relationship with my phone is also on hold, given Dayton’s newfound hobby of calling me every five fucking seconds.

I rest my chin in my hands and watch Tyler flip the chicken in the pan. “Did you tell your parents already?”

He shakes his head. “No. I wanted you to be there when they find out.”

“Great.” I sigh. I wish he’d told them before now. The introduction is going to be awkward.

Hi. I’m Liv, your son’s girlfriend. And also the mother to your future grandbaby! Rock on!

Tyler puts the oven mitt down and turns to me. He leans over the table and cups my face with his hands then sweetly brings his lips down on mine. “Don’t panic, okay? They’ll love you.”

“It’s kind of unconventional.”

“So add it to our list.” He grins. “Really, you sound surprised.”

I roll my eyes. “Not surprised. Wary. Nervous.” I swallow. “Nauseated.”

“Do you want some water?”

“Honestly, I’m too afraid to put anything in my stomach in case is comes back up and I vomit over your mom’s Jimmy Choos or something.”

There’s a knock at the door, and he laughs. “Good choice.”

I draw in a long, shaky breath when he walks to the door. I’ve always loved the open-plan setup of his apartment and how easy it is to move from room to room.

Now, I hate it because the door is right behind me. Give or take a few feet.

“Hi, Mum, Dad.”

I think I’m going to vomit.
