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“Sit down, Liv.”

“You never said please.”

His eyes meet mine, annoyance darkening them. “Are you this annoying normally or do you reserve it for me, babe?”

“Oh, I have a special brand of annoying I keep just for assholes who won’t leave me alone, babe.” I slam my purse onto the table and sit down. “You have”—I glance at the clock on the wall—“approximately two minutes to explain to me what the hell you’re doing here when not twelve hours ago I told you quite clearly that I have no desire to talk to you.”

Tyler leans forward and rests his forearms on the table. I try not to look at his biceps. But come on. A girl only has so much willpower, and boy. He has niiiiice biceps.

“No desire to talk. Plenty to look though.” The smirk on his face pisses me off.

“Are you this asshole-ish to every girl you meet or should I consider myself special?” I throw his words back at him.

His smirk slowly transforms into a full grin that shows his dimple. “Oh, you’re special. I fucked you twice.”

“Oh, yay. Do I get a gold star?”

“If you behave, I’ll give you another orgasm.”

“If you try it, I’ll take a butter knife to your balls.” I bend forward and smack my hand on the table. “Now talk.”

“I would if it wasn’t so fucking fun pissing you off.” He covers my hand with his.

“Why are you here?” I ask, secretly liking the warmth of his palm over my fingers. Okay, I’m a hypocrite. “I thought you had a shoot this afternoon.”

“Nothing Day can’t handle herself. It’s only for a pretty, little rich boy who thinks he can take over the world.” He lifts my hand and examines each of my fingers slowly.

“Then she must be missing her model.”

He meets my eyes, his dark ones glinting with amusement. “You have beautiful eyes.”

I also have great tits and a pert ass thanks to endless squats, so kudos to him for noticing my eyes. Even if we did have to fuck twice first.

“I’d thank you if I thought you meant it.” Not that he’s getting off easily. I take my hand from his and rest it on my lap. “You still haven’t told me while you’re here and you passed your two minutes some five minutes ago, so I’m going. I have to get to work.”

I get up and head for the door of the coffee shop, but he’s quicker, and he pulls open the door for me. Any guy who opens a door for me makes me melt a little, even if the guy is Tyler.

“Thank you,” I offer.

“You’re welcome. Although it should be noted the only reason I held the door open was so I could stare at your ass as you walked through it.”

And it’s gone. “Prick.”

He jogs to catch up with me as I angrily stalk down the sidewalk. Why didn’t I drive to the coffee shop? Oh, yeah. My clever ass decided that driving when the sun is out is a stupid idea and I should embrace the early spring sun.

Not only is it colder than it was when I got to the coffee shop, but it’s also starting to rain.

“Liv. Get in,” Tyler orders, opening his car door.

I stubbornly hold my purse over my head. “I’m fine.”

“It’s about to piss it down. Get in the fucking car before I shove you in it and smack your arse for good measure.”

I purse my lips. He just keeps on climbing the prick ladder, doesn’t he? Never mind how much the thought of him smacking my ass thrills me.

I climb into his Mercedes with a heavy sigh. A forced, heavy sigh. No one can sigh when they’re sitting in a car like this. Leather seats, different drive modes, built-in GPS, a high-end radio, a million and one buttons on the dashboard…

Holy shit. This car must cost more than I’ve ever earned in my life.
