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Bridezilla is in full force. Her new catering company has just gone bust, leaving her with no food for the wedding. Again. She’s currently yelling angrily into the phone at the owner, who called to inform her of the bad news.

Bad news. Yep. Try rephrasing that to catastrophic.

“Do you think she’s on her period?” Tyler whispers.

I snort. “No. She doesn’t have them.” He raises an eyebrow at me, and I pull my hoodie down my arm. I tap the inside of my upper arm. “Implant. Stops them.”

“You don’t get periods?”

“What part of ‘stops them’ is hard for you to understand?”

“We’re eloping,” Dayton announces, throwing the phone on the sofa. It bounces onto the floor. “We’ll disappear somewhere and get married in secret, and these useless companies can go fuck themselves.”

“And there’s the control freak,” I mutter.

Tyler covers his hand with his mouth.

“Day, sweetheart.” Aaron runs his hands down her arms and soothes her. “We can find someone else to do the food. We have plenty of time.”

“Right.” She snorts. “Because you’d hate it if we ran off this weekend to get married.”

“I can’t say I’m averse to the idea, but I know that’s not what you want. You want it all, so I’m giving you it all. Yes, it’s hard work, but it’ll be worth it in the end.”

“Do you want a glass of wine?” Tyler asks hesitantly.

Dayton shoots him a hard look. I pat his thigh and cross to the bar. Opening the cupboard, I run my eyes over the bottles until I find a bottle of tequila.

Bingo, baby.

I pour her two shots’ worth into a glass. I nudge Aaron out of the way and hand her the glass. She drains it in one go, turning around to put the glass on the bar.

“Blech.” She screws her face up and shivers. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” I smirk and join Tyler back on the sofa.

“What the…” He watches in amazement as Day opens her laptop and starts calmly tapping at the keys. “What did you just do?”

I smile smugly. “That’s why I’m the maid of honor.”

Aaron leans on the back of sofa. “What did you give her?”



“You think wine is gonna calm that crazy down? No, Aaron. You need something a bit stronger.”

“Shit,” he mutters. “I wish I’d known that when I dragged her around the world with me.”

I laugh when he joins her at the bar. I laugh even harder when she shouts at Tyler for that glass of wine he offered. When he doesn’t move, she snaps his name and yells at Aaron not to pour a glass, all without looking away from the screen.

My stomach is actually hurting from laughing so hard. There’s something beautiful in the moment a man realizes that he wears the pants but his woman controls the zipper.

Apparently, Dayton controls two zippers.

“Come on.” Tyler grabs my hands and pulls me up off the sofa. “We’re going. I’m not taking her crap anymore.”

“Where are we going?”
