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I make a sound somewhere between annoyance and disgust. I don’t want to think about him being with other women. It’s childish and ridiculous, but I don’t want to think about him whispering the things he does to me to another woman.

“What did he say?” I try to sound disinterested, but I fail miserably. Fact is, I’m dying to know what he said. It’s been two days since we’ve spoken, since I ran away from him, and I feel odd.

I feel a little lost.

“When he’d finally finished bemoaning your flightiness and inability to discuss anything more than serious than ‘Let’s fuck,’ he told me he’d asked you to go with him for a date.” She shoots me a sly glance and tries on a pair of Prada shoes. She immediately discards them. “And then it all made sense.”

I nibble the inside of my lip. “I panicked. Like, really panicked. Then, when I’d talked myself down and decided that it won’t hurt me if we go together, I was too ashamed to call him.”

“He waited there—on the pier. In case you went back. For an hour.”

My mouth dries at this. He waited for me? What… I… “He’s a fool.”

She snorts. “Tyler is many things, but a fool isn’t one of them. A prick? An asshole? A sex-obsessed douchenugget? Yes. A fool? No.”

So she’s right. “I haven’t called him yet, no. I’m too… I don’t know. It’s awkward. What am I supposed to say? ‘Hey, I know I abandoned you two days ago, but I’ll be your date’?”

“You should call him today. He could ask someone else.”

“What?” I freeze.

“He mentioned…offhand…that, and I quote, ‘I should take someone else with me and see if that gives her the kick up her gorgeous, stubborn arse she fucking needs.’”

“What does that even mean?”

Dayton gives me a look that says I’m a dumbass. “Liv, open your eyes. He likes you.”

“I’m a likable person.”

“No, you’re not. You’re a fucking nightmare, as proven by this conversation.” She pinches my arm. Ouch. Bitch. “He likes you. He’s being patient with you. He’s staying in territory you’re both completely comfortable with—sex. But now, he wants more. You both have commitment issues, but you’ve been fucking around for, like, three weeks now. Asking you to be his date to a party held in his cousin’s honor isn’t anything serious. And here you are, acting like a fucking virgin at an orgy.”

“I’m not—” I begin, but I quickly shut my mouth. I am. I’m acting exactly like that. And despite my own issues, the crazy bullshit inside me, he doesn’t deserve that.

He deserves one or the other. All of me or none of me.

“Okay, I am. A little. But this whole situation is fucked up, you know? And for the record, I’m not flighty. We had takeout the other night. Together.” I raise my eyebrows like that makes it all okay.

Dayton sighs and shakes her head. She stands, grabbing the Louboutins box. “Make your mind up then. You either want him or you don’t. You can’t have sex with a little extra whenever you feel like it. That makes you a bitch.”

Sometimes, having a best friend who says it exactly like it is a bitch.

I’ve been staring at my phone for two hours and seventeen minutes. I know because the minutes keep changing on the clock. Like they do. Every minute.

Every fucking long and annoyingly indecisive minute.

It shouldn’t be hard to pick up the phone and dial his number. It shouldn’t be hard for me to apologize for being a dick, but it is. It is because it means admitting that I was wrong.

And fuck, I hate being wrong. Much less admitting it.

Four sharp knocks at my door pull me out of my trance. I frown and get up. The moment I open the door, Tyler’s lips crash into mine. Shock hits me as suddenly as his kiss just did, and I grab his arms to stop myself from staggering backward.

He kicks the door shut and drops his bag without releasing me. His hands thread into my hair, his tongue flicking again my lips, and I whimper.

“I’ve had one hell of a fucking bollocks day and I need you.” He drops his mouth to my neck and kisses.

“I didn’t think we were talking.” I gasp as his palm connects with my ass.

“We’re not. I’m pissed at you, but talking isn’t required for sex. That happens with after-sex cuddles. The talking shit can happen after I’ve fucked you senseless.”
