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“If you need anything, I want you to know you can come to me. Or Stefan.”

She nods, cocking her head to one side, her warm brown eyes appraising. The noise of splashing and the thud, thud, thud of music coming from the pool area gets louder. “You guys taking on the daddy role?” she asks.

I don’t think she intends to sound sexual in any way but damn, hearing the word daddy slip from her lips so easily makes my cock thicken just a little.

“I don’t think I’m old enough to be anyone’s daddy in this group. But if maturity runs with age, then me and Stefan have a few years on the others for sure.” I want to tell her she can call me daddy anytime she likes, but I’m going to be the one man in this house who’s not going to step over the line, no matter where the conversation goes.

“That’s good to know. Thanks,” she says.

“There she is,” Carson yells as soon as Allie comes into view. “Sorry you got dunked. We’ve dunked Jonas a few times in retribution since you went upstairs.”

Jonas nods to confirm but he doesn’t look unhappy with his punishment.

The pool glints like a bright jewel in the sunshine, and it seems Allie and I are the only ones not currently enjoying the cool reprieve of the water. “You coming in?” she asks, glancing down at my swimwear.

In answer, I shuck off my slides and dive gracefully into the pool. I’m quick enough to rise to the surface to watch Allie peel her crochet dress from her curvy frame and drop it onto a sunbed.

Damn, the girl looks sweet and good enough to eat. Her bikini is my favorite kind, tied with thin strings on either side of her hips and around the back of her neck. Around her ankle, a chain with a small blue charm rests against her skin, and a ring glints on one of her toes, and my cock thickens once again.

There’s something very innocent about Allie. I remember girls like her when I was just out of college and touring Europe. Girls who liked to wear jewelry on their feet and drink cocktails as colorful as their nail polish. I miss the days when I was a man wild enough and young enough to show a girl like that a good time.

Allie doesn’t dive in the pool. Instead, avoiding the eyes of every gawking man, she slowly lowers herself until she’s sitting on the edge with her legs in the water. She sucks her stomach in a little and straightens her posture, but she doesn’t need to do any of that. Most men love a woman’s body to have a softness that contrasts with his own. There’s nothing better than easing between the ample warm thighs of a woman and feeling her curves against your skin.

“So, Allie. You’re really going to be asking us questions about our cocks all week?” Jimmy asks.

Allie’s cheeks flush a shade of pink that matches the dress she discarded. “I am, Jimmy.”

“That’s cool. I’ve never had any problems talking about my cock.”

“I can confirm that,” Jonas says. “Hell, sometimes I can’t get him to shut up about it.”

Jimmy shrugs his broad shoulders. “What can I say? He brings me a lot of pleasure.”

“So does your left hand,” Jonas quips. “But you don’t seem to give it the same kind of vocal attention.”

“Jesus.” Theron shakes his head. He’s leaning against the pool edge with his arms spread wide. A tattoo of a snake curls around his entire right arm. “I’m not sure how comfortable I am listening to guys talking about their cocks for seven days. Can you interview us one at a time?”

“Yeah.” Gabe nods in agreement with his cousin's suggestion. “That could be better.”

“This isn’t my first rodeo,” Allie says, unaware of the innuendo in her statement. “I’ll conduct some interviews one on one. If there’s anything really sensitive you want to share, I’m happy to handle it discreetly. But there’s value in everyone being present, as group conversation can help to bring out topics in a more expansive way.”

“Have you written something like this before?” Tom asks.

Allie nods. “I work for a women’s magazine. I write on issues that interest and affect women.”

“And big cocks are a hot topic? Clay asks, sounding surprised.

“I think size is a topic that fascinates everyone.” She kicks her legs a little in the water, gripping the edge of the pool with her dainty hands. “For example, did you know that the Ancient Greeks associated big penises with being uncivilized or barbarian? That’s why the statues of heroes and gods all have small genitalia.”

“I knew that.” Carson runs his hand down his arm and across his chest. “I purposefully covered all the genitalia in my representations of mythology with twisting vines or adjusted poses.”

“Good thinking,” Stefan says, studying the man next to him. Neither me nor Stefan have tattoos, but I’m wondering now if my friend might change his mind after this week.

“Cool tats,” Theron says, eyeing Carson’s extreme ink.

“So, do you have a list of questions?” I ask Allie, hoping to assist her in keeping on topic.

“I do.” She glances my way and nods, but I can’t decipher if she’s grateful for my support. “And I’ll be adding to them as the week goes by. This assignment is unusual in the way it’s been set up, but the extended time that we’re all here will hopefully mean I can review the topic thoroughly.”
