Page 115 of 10 Inches

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“Don’t complain, woman! We work hard to look like this for you.” Theron leaps onto the bed, as naked as the day he was born, and slaps Allie’s ass, and she playfully tries to escape before he can do it again.

Russell, who’s standing next to me, shakes his head. “I knew all that caramel was a bad idea. They’re like kids who can’t eat too much sugar.”

“They’ll be out like a light as soon as they’ve had some sex,” I laugh.

Oliver, who always insists on hanging his clothes neatly over the chair, sets some music to play over the speakers. It’s something soulful and mellow, and Allie whoops and throws her half naked self at him, dragging him into bed. “Stop being such a neat freak…”

“Oh, you want me to be messy?” He takes her face tenderly between his hands and kisses her first on the forehead, then on the tip of her nose before he takes her lips. When Allie’s breathless and panting, she pulls back. “No. I want you to make me messy.”

There’s more whooping and everyone dives onto the bed, but it doesn’t take long for it to get serious. When Carson strips Allie’s panties over her hips and thighs, the room gets silent real quick.

“Hang on.” She puts her hand up before anyone can get closer. “I think it’s time for me to appreciate the ten times ten inches.”

She laughs as we all line up naked as the day we were born, hands on our hips and cocks standing hard and proud. She walks in front of us like a cop assessing a line up, her hand trailing over our erections one by one, eyes feasting on all that is hers. “Mmmm…I am one lucky woman. One hundred inches of cock, and it’s all mine.” Her honey eyes fill with mischief as she meets our hungry gazes one after another, bending to kiss and lick, driving us crazy as she moves down the line again. It’s cute as fuck, and my heart swells at how much confidence she has when she’s surrounded by us. Gone is the restrained virgin who craved more but couldn’t let go. Our girl is sexy and sweet, a knockout combination.

Do I miss one-on-one sex?


There’s an element of intimacy that’s hard to achieve with the equivalent of half a football team in the room. But it’s not possible for Allie to spread herself so thinly without us all having to wait ten days between sex sessions.

None of us wants that.

The compromise is that we each get a night alone with Allie on our birthdays, and we schedule individual evenings together in the run up to the holidays.

When Tom breaks first, tossing Allie onto the bed before he buries his face between her thighs, she sighs, reaching for his head. “You guys make me so happy, you know that?”

“We know,” Gabe tells her, leaning to kiss her sweet mouth. “You make us so happy, too.”

The sex is like a well-choreographed dance routine. We’re so used to working around each other now that it’s become second nature. We please Allie first, then we take our pleasure. When she taps out on her ability to orgasm anymore, we don’t push her, and often, when she relaxes again, it happens without anyone having to try too hard.

When it’s my turn, I don’t want convoluted positions or to share her with anyone else. I want her beneath me, holding me close, her deliciously soft, warm thighs cradling me while I rock us slowly. I hold her gaze and pepper her mouth with soft teasing kisses that make us both moan, and when I’m close, I tell her how much I love her and how good she makes me feel. I tell her how grateful I am that I agreed to take part in a stupid interview about my cock, and she tells me that she loves every bit of me, especially my ten inches. We laugh before we get serious, chasing our way to the breaking point of pleasure, stars spilling into my vision like the Milky Way, and Allie holding onto me like she never wants to let me go.

I love this girl more than I ever thought I’d be able to love a person, and I’m growing to love the men I share her with too, in a cool bro way, of course!

We came together to answer the question, does size matter? As I slip from inside my girl and she groans at the loss of my big dick, I’m almost certain the answer for Allie is definitelyyes!

Yes, times ten, of course!

PS. Allie kept the ten purple vibrating dildos. I knew you were wondering what happened to them!

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Keep reading for an excerpt of my Amazon bestselling romance,HUGE X4




It's a big day for Kerry. A new beginning. A wedding day that two years ago we never imagined she would be preparing for. Life is funny like that. Even after experiencing terrible things, love can sneak up on you and make you whole again. At least, that's what Kerry told me last night as we shared some champagne, and I helped her resist the urge to break tradition and seek out her husband-to-be the night before the wedding. Did I believe her? It was hard not to. Life had knocked her down hard, but it had sent her Dean to raise her up again.

My sister emerges from the bathroom, her make-up done to perfection, wearing just the underwear she'd spent hours picking out in Macy's. She looks amazing.

"Wow," I say, shaking my head.
