Page 119 of 10 Inches

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"So it was a gorgeous wedding, wasn't it?" I say, glancing over at where my sister is now wrapped up in her husband's embrace, holding the hem of her dress so she doesn't trip. Kerry looks so peaceful, and seeing her happy-ever-after should fill me with hope, but I've had so much of it squashed out of me.

"It was a lovely wedding," Callum says.

"They're two amazing people who deserve something good," Liam adds. "We couldn't be happier for Dean."

"I know," I sigh, hearing the wistfulness in my voice so clearly and cringing with embarrassment.

"So," Liam says, loosening his tie and rolling up his sleeves. "Back to the dancing conversation. I have a plan." There's a twinkle in his silver eyes that makes my skin feel warm, and I can't help noticing his strong, tanned forearms and broad shoulders. He looks like he was involved in some kind of manly sport in his youth; maybe he still is in his spare time. Callum does the same thing, and I smirk that they can't seem to remain in a position where they are different for more than a couple of seconds.

"I'm not sure I like the sound of that."

"You haven't heard what it is yet!" Callum laughs. "Give the man a chance."

"Well." Liam seems to pause for dramatic effect, or maybe he's thinking up this plan of his on the fly. "It involves alcohol. Plenty of alcohol and a long discussion about our favorite songs. And when we've all settled on a suitable anthem, there's the opportunity to stagger across the dance floor to that strange wedding DJ over there to see if he has our song of choice."

Callum snorts. "Great plan, dude." He leans across, and they fist-bump like they're teenagers. Cue my eye roll! I open my mouth to state my objections, but Liam interrupts. "Wait a minute, pretty lady. I haven't finished yet. The deal is that if the DJ has it in his collection, then we absolutely have to dance to it. If he doesn't, we'll come back here and watch all the fun. How about that? Deal?" Liam wiggles his eyebrows up and down with a huge grin plastered on his face, and I burst out laughing.

"We're taking that laugh as an agreement to the proposition," Callum chuckles.

"But just to make sure…" Liam sticks out his hand to shake on it, and I hesitate, wanting to do all the fun stuff with them but not the dancing. "Come on, Bethany …time's a-wasting!" I hold out my hand with so much reluctance he bursts out laughing, then grabs hold of it between both of his and shakes vigorously.

"Err, yougottashake mine too," Callum says. I turn to find it outstretched and shake it gently as well, feeling stupid and worried but a tiny bit excited too. It's that excitement that makes my throat burn a little, tears threatening. I like that feeling. It reminds me of a younger me.


Liam stands to scan the table, taking in the carnage of empty wine and beer bottles, then grabs my hand again and pulls me out of my seat. "We need the bar," he says, tugging me across the dance floor, narrowly missing cousin Dylan, who's veering to one side. I turn and find Callum behind us, watching with amusement. "That man should come with a safety warning," he says as we pass through the reception room doors and into the external bar area. It's quieter and brighter out here, and I wonder what I look like after so many hours of maid of honor duties. My hair is probably completely frizzy as the air is humid, and I know my forehead is shiny. I curse the gods for my high-maintenance appearance. Tottering on my heels as Liam comes to an abrupt halt, I rest my arms on the bar and look up at him. He's at least a foot taller than me. Ridiculous really. If I hadn't been wearing my highest heels, I might have looked like a twelve-year-old kid from behind.

"So many choices," he says, grabbing the cocktail menu from where it's resting in a pool of unidentifiable liquid and shaking it off. Callum stands next to him. "Let's see…what kind of cocktail do we think you are?" He runs his finger over the drink options as he considers them, shaking his head as he discounts the ones he deems unsuitable. "Mmm…Sex on the Beach?" Liam looks down at me from the corner of his eye. "No, I don't think so. Too sandy." I snort out a shocked laugh.

"Screaming Orgasm?" Callum's raised eyebrow is amusing, but I try not to show it on my face.

"Nah, too reserved," Liam says. I put my hands on my hips and huff, but he doesn't seem fazed, switching his attention to the menu again. "Ah… I've got it!" The twins look at each other, and I stand on my tiptoes, trying to see what's being pointed at, but they turn their backs to me, like kids trying to hide their school work. "You want one of these?" Liam asks Callum. He nods.

"Why not. It's one of my favorite positions." He raises his eyebrow, and his eyes meet mine, then slowly drop lower until he's looked me up and down. I don't know how he does it, but I feel like he just peeled away my dress and underwear with his eyes. Liam waves the barman over, and I move to lean on the bar, hoping its proximity can protect me from whatever dark thoughts Callum seems to be conjuring.

Looking positively bored, the hotel employee drags himself to where we're standing and mumbles something that I assume is 'what would you like?' Liam grins over at me and then says in a very loud voice, "We'd all like a Long Screw Against a Wall."

I look at him aghast, then the barman smirks, "That'd be hard with three of you!"

"Not really," Callum says. "One behind, one in front. You'd be surprised how easy it can be."

The barman's mouth drops open. He obviously wasn't expecting that response. When he says nothing and turns to the back of the bar to begin our cocktails, Liam doubles over, attempting to laugh silently but failing abysmally.

"Oh my God," I mouth at Callum, shaking my head in general disbelief. "I think he was close to having an aneurysm."

"What?" He shrugs his shoulders as though he doesn't get what all the fuss is about. It's then that I realize that he wasn't joking. To be so blasé, it must be something that he's actually done. A threesome. With his brother?

My heart thuds in my chest. During the wedding service, I'd thought that my unexpectedly naughty thoughts about them were tightly in the realms of fantasy. Well, it seems they are for me, but not the twins. It sounds as though multiple love is a regular occurrence with them, and that thought has me squeezing my legs together.

Liam slumps down on a barstool and pulls me towards him by the wrists. "So, Bethany. We have the drinks; now we need the music."

"It's gonna take more than one cocktail."

His eyes flash brightly. "One screw not enough?" he asks in a voice laced with pure, raw sex. My cheeks react like furnaces, and I die a little inside at my total inability to remain cool in the presence of these gorgeous men. "Hey," he says, seeing my obvious mortification. "I'm just kidding around." He gently squeezes my wrists, and I look down with a golf ball-sized lump in my throat.

"It's got to be a Madonna track," he announces. "It's Dean and Kerry's wedding, so wegottastick to the theme. How about 'Vogue'!"

"Vogue?" I say, with all the exaggerated exasperation I can muster.
