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I glance at her still rumpled bed and my cock vibrator, which rests apart from the others on her nightstand. I’d pay good money to see her play with it again. Maybe that could be part of our time together. Maybe she’d enjoy that too.

Her gaze follows mine and then she pushes her thighs together like she remembers and damn if that isn’t the sexist thing I’ve seen in a long time.

“Soon,” I say, leaning into the room enough to make my muscles bulge against my own weight. “Soon you’ll get to see if the real thing is better than the replica.”

“Get out of here, Jonas,” she laughs, blushing profusely.

And I do, strolling down the hallway with a whole lot of swagger.

After my run, I head to the kitchen and down a bottle full of room temperature water. I’m sweating and out of breath but still buzzing with energy. Outside, there’s a weird tension bubbling between everyone. A sense of anticipation that’s stifling conversation and causes people to keep looking at their watches.

I think we all need something to do to keep our minds from running too wild. I root around in the cupboards outside and find a volleyball net and ball.

“Anyone wanna play beach volleyball?” I ask.

To my surprise, every man nods, some rising immediately from sunbeds, ready to join in.

Setting up the court doesn’t take long, and we manage to divide ourselves into teams without any awkward high school picking. There’s no runt in this litter and it’s impossible to tell who’s going to be skilled at this game without seeing the action.

Me and Jimmy end up on opposite sides, so do Carson and Clay, and Oliver and Stefan. Theron and Gabe initially stand together but part when they notice a trend. Russell drifts away from Theron, and Tom agreeably drifts to the team lacking a final team member.

And we play.

With ten men involved, I expect it to get ridiculously competitive. We don’t know each other well yet, and there’s a lot to prove.

But there is such a mix of different characters in the group, and that seems to keep the game friendly. It wasn’t like this when I played sports when I was a kid. There would always be someone who had something to prove, or demons to work out of their system.

And while we play, I forget to be the funny one. I don’t feel the need to crack jokes or find the humor in other people's mistakes. I just relax into a moment in time and connect with nine other dudes who seem like they all have the potential to become good friends.



Stefan’s first.

I don’t know how to feel about it. In a way, I’m relieved it’s someone I’m assuming has a lot of experience. I’m pushing myself so outside of my comfort zone that I need someone who’s going to be good at the training-wheels version of everything!

I need a man who’s going to hold my hand and teach me what to do and how it’s supposed to feel.

Stefan will be good at that.

He has that sexy older man vibe going on in spades.

But I can’t spend too much time dwelling because I have work to do on the first part of the article that sets the scene. And I want to get it written as soon as possible so that it isn’t clouded by what happens next. It’s important to capture first impressions and my early thoughts about the subject, and writing while it’s all fresh will make for a more marked transformation through the piece.

The trouble is, I can’t concentrate.

My mind is a scramble of anticipation mixed with trepidation.

My attention keeps drifting to the vibrator I know is Stefan’s. I couldn’t stop myself from looking. It feels like preparation to know in advance what I’m going to be getting.

The big question is, how far I’m going to go with him? Will he be my first? Will he expect that and will I feel comfortable enough to go that far?

I think through all the men downstairs and imagine what each would be like, knowing they were my first. It’s impossible to pick between them even though they’re so different.

This must be what Dawn and Kyla felt like. So many men, like a smorgasbord of opportunity, and no way to select a preference.

I’m part way into my work, and around two hours have passed, when there’s a gentle tap on the door, I almost jump out of my skin. As it’s ajar, Stefan sees my reaction and holds his hands out, palms facing me. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
