Page 42 of 10 Inches

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My hands reach out for his skin, pushing at his unbuttoned white linen shirt until it falls to the floor, finding his forearms hot and firm, and his biceps strong and sinewy. He’s a man who has dedicated time and energy to his physique. A man in tune with his own body. But can he be in tune with mine?

I’m the one who hooks my fingers into the waistband of my shorts and tugs them down over my hips, letting the fabric pool around my ankles. I leave the last piece of my clothing to Stefan, shuddering as he slides a finger into the top of my lacy panties and teases the skin there. Oh god. I don’t know how I’m supposed to act. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. What’s he expecting from me? An innocent virgin, quivering at every touch? Or a woman on a mission to explore?

How am I supposed to make this good for him?

I’m lost in my head, thinking about the next nine men who are going to follow this and the work it’s going to take me to get through each experience.

“Allie,” Stefan whispers, making me jump. “Where did you go?” He tips my chin, forcing me to look at him. Determined emerald eyes search mine, but I don’t know what he sees. Fear? Uncertainty? My worry that I’m just not enough?

“I’m here,” I say.

“You are now. You want to tell me what you’re thinking?”

I don’t, but finding a way to cover all my uncertainty with a believable excuse is just too difficult. “I…I don’t know how to relax into this. I don’t know how to make it good for me or for you.”

“It’s not your job to make it good for me or for you. We’re here to make it good for each other…it’s a joint effort, but today, it’s on me.” Stefan reaches out to touch my hair, and gently strokes my cheek and Imelta little inside at his tenderness.

It feels good to be touched this way, but it isn’t about love. It’s not about affection. It’s just about physical pleasure and learning for the article. I have to remember that and keep these men and myself on track.

“You’re still partially dressed.” I scan from his neck down to his knees, appreciating the way his linen shorts cling to his muscular thighs. I focus on his physical appearance and not how safe and appreciated he’s making me feel.

“Ladies first in all things,” he says, the perfect gentleman. “I want you to get on the bed and relax. We’ll take it one step at a time.” His fingers lace through mine, and he leads me like a debutant at a ball to the bed I scrambled to make neat. I take a seat awkwardly at the edge of the mattress, but he quickly scoops beneath my legs and swings me into the center, climbing onto the bed, too.

We’re really doing this. I’m really going to find out what it feels like to be with a man.

“Just remember, we can stop at any time. Just say the word.”

I nod, and he does what I’ve been desperate for him to do since he came into the room. He draws my panties over my hips, then takes hold of my ankles and plants my feet wide enough apart for him to access my most private place.

“Has anyone ever made you come before?” He leans forward, placing his palms against the sensitive skin on the inside of my thighs. I flush as bright as the sun as he eases my legs open even further, spreading my already slick pussy.

I shake my head, feeling shame even though I’m not at fault. Maybe I am for not being demanding enough. For failing to give good enough directions. Or for being too physically repressed to let go when my exes tried to use their fingers and tongues to bring me to orgasm. Or maybe they were just lazy lovers who, once they found out I wasn’t an easy lay, just gave up.

“I’m going to lick you.” He’s already leaning in when he says it and I have to close my eyes to lock myself away from the embarrassment of this moment. Does anyone ever get used to having someone so close to this part of their body? How?

The first swipe of his tongue is tentative, exploratory. The tip circles my clit, nudging it until it tingles and swells, then slides lower, probing my entrance, making my hips buck.

Nothing has ever felt this good. Not my own furtive fingers or any of my ex’s pathetic attempts.

When my legs snap closed against Stefan’s head, he murmurs his approval, never letting up on the pace of his caresses, never changing tempo. And it’s his relentlessness, his considered focus, that takes me closer and closer and closer until he finally pushes me over the edge. Bright, sparking flashes of light assault me, and my body arches under his touch. My heart races triple time, and I make a noise that sounds strange and animalistic. At the start of my orgasm, Stefan pulls back, knowing that everything is too sensitive in that moment, but after, when I can breathe again, he rests the heel of his hand over my pussy, pressing just a little, making all the warm pleasure between my legs last longer.

“That’s it.” He sounds pleased with himself, and he should be. He just proved that I’m not broken and showed me how okay it is to lie back and have pleasure delivered so unselfishly. He made me so wet I can feel my arousal cooling between the cheeks of my ass.

My top lip is stuck to my teeth, so I use my tongue to free it, words blinking into my brain and disappearing just as fast. I want to say thank you. I want to tell him how much it means to me to have experienced this, to know a man who’s been around the block enough times that he doesn’t require me to tell him what to do but can read me like braille.

But saying thank you for an orgasm seems pathetic.

When I open my eyes fully, I find my gaze fixed on the bar of his cock beneath the fabric of his shorts. It looks painfully confined and desperate to be unleashed.

His smile is radiant, and his eyes are bright with satisfaction and achievement. I wish I could give him a frigging gold star for effort.

“That was…” When I trail off, his grin grows wider.

“It was. What do you want to happen now?”

What do I want?

Everything. Nothing. For someone else to make decisions for me. To have zero responsibility.
