Page 70 of 10 Inches

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She clears her throat. “And what about your dick. What do you think about it?”

“I love my dick, just like I love every part of me. We’re like a well-oiled machine. I keep fit so that I can use my body exactly the way I want to use it, and my dick does everything he needs to do to keep up his end of the bargain!”

She laughs softly, trailing a hand over the water. “What’s the worst part about having a big dick?”

“There isn’t one. I mean, sometimes condoms are too tight, but it doesn’t bother me.”

“What about underwear and clothing? What about sleeping positions?”

“All fine,” I say. “I’m just an all-round contented guy and my dick is pretty happy most of the time, too.”

“Most of the time?”

“Yeah. Well, he’s feeling neglected right now. And tormented. But I think you know that.”

I drop my head to the right, narrowing my eyes and folding in my lips. Allie’s grin confirms her intentions.

“How do you feel about sharing me with the other men?” she asks. “Is there jealousy?”

“Only in so much as I’ve had to wait, so not jealousy. More inconvenience.”

“How did you feel watching your buddy have sex with me?”

“Jimmy knows how to work it. You guys looked good together.”

She nods and tips her head back into the water, wetting her hair before she straightens. “Does your cock have a name?”

“Nike, because he just likes to do it.”

The bubble of laughter that pours out of Allie is the best sound. Her warm eyes spark with amusement and, I’d like to think, with appreciation. They say that the way to man’s heart is through his stomach. Well, I think the way to a woman’s heart is with humor.

“You’re a funny guy, Jonas.”

“You’re an interesting woman, Allie.”

“Interesting?” She quirks a brow, urging me to elaborate.

“Well, when we first got here, you seemed terrified of all of us and the task you needed to complete. And in only a few days, you’ve transformed into this goddess before me. Confident. Sexy. Taking it all in your stride.”

“Which do you think is the real me?” she asks.


“And which do you prefer?”

I shrug. “Both. It’s okay to be cautious, and it’s okay to throw caution to the wind. You seem more relaxed now, though.”

“I am,” she says. “But I’m worried it’s going to bite me in the ass.”

“Can I bite you in the ass?”

Allie splashes a little water in my direction and around the corner, there’s a rumble of raucous laughter that reminds me that we have company. Lots of company.

Leaning forward a little, her hand disappears beneath the water and I hold my breath, silently pleading she’ll touch me.

“Where do you want to get to in life?” she asks. Her hand touches my knee and the shiver that runs through me is like lightning.

“I want to get into you, princess,” I whisper, taking her hand into mine. The temptation is to press it against my cock, but instead, I bring it to my lips.
