Page 8 of 10 Inches

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“Thanks. This is perfect.”

“Point one to Oliver,” Carson says, nodding his head in a way that suggests he’s confirmed something in his mind.

“Who’s keeping score, and what’s the criteria?” Russell asks, squaring his shoulders, ready for competition.

“No one’s keeping score.” Stefan raises his free hand to emphasize, and a murmur spreads through the group. I frown, wondering what I missed, but no one says anything else.

“Who's ready for a swim?” Tom is closest to the doors, and when Theron makes an approving whoop, Tom reaches for the handle, sliding the doors across the entire expanse of the back of the house, bringing the warmth of the air outside streaming in.

Tom, Jonas, Jimmy, Theron, and Gabe waste no time stripping off their t-shirts as I step into the sunshine, squinting my eyes against the glare and absorbing the warmth of the sun on my skin. They’re all big men. Young, strong, and handsome. I’ve never seen so many gorgeous specimens in one place, certainly never this close. It’s disarming in a way that surprises me. I didn’t think I’d feel heat spread through me just from looking at their half-naked bodies. I thought I had more control than that.

They jump into the pool like excited ten-year-olds, creating a curtain of splashing water that only just misses me.

They duck under the water, rising with glistening hair and rivulets of water cascading over their tan skin and running between their gorgeous pecs. Oh, lord. For a moment, my mind goes completely blank.

“Are you enjoying the view?” Oliver says from beside me, startling me. The man moves with the grace and stealth of a cat.


“The ocean.”

I cast a sideways glance at him and catch the slight curve of his lips. That wasn’t what he meant at all.

“It’s my favorite thing to look at.” I arch a brow, making it clear I’m not getting drawn into the innuendo. “The waves are spectacular.”

“Spectacular huh?”

“You don’t enjoy looking at the ocean?” I ask.

Oliver slides his hands into the pockets of his slacks and folds his lips between his teeth. “I’m more of a mountain man myself.”

“Don’t mind Oliver.” Stefan punches his friend on the shoulder. “He has a dry sense of humor that not everyone gets.”

Oliver snorts, rubbing his smooth chin. “Thanks for explaining that to Allie, but I think she gets me just fine.”

“No problem.” Stefan widens his stance and rubs the back of his neck. “I’m going to go find a room upstairs and get changed.”

“I’m at the end of the hallway,” I say. “You can take any of the others.”

“Great, thanks.” He touches my arm gently as he passes and slaps Oliver hard on the back, and I realize why the recruiter gravitated toward men who know each other for this article. There’s already a camaraderie in the group that wouldn’t normally be present if they were all strangers. I search out Russell and Tom, the only pair who don’t have a buddy. Tom is smiling and laughing with Jonas, but Russell has kept to himself and is observing the group as though he’s the one responsible for sizing them all up for risk. He’s taken a seat on one of the comfortable-looking rattan sofas with thick cream cushions that are dotted around the pool. But even though he’s leaning back and has his legs spread wide, there is something closed about his body language.

The other men in this group all seem open and that’s great because they’re going to be talking about very personal things in front of each other and me. But I’m already getting the feeling that Russell is going to find the whole project mortifying. It could take some serious journalistic skills to pry information from him.

“He’ll be a tough nut to crack.” Oliver’s read my mind.

“He knows what he’s here for,” I say quickly. “I’m sure it’ll be fine.”

“Anyone ever tell you that you’re a bundle of positivity?”

Before I get a chance to answer, hands clamp around my ankles, and I’m tugged off the edge of the pool and under the water, still fully dressed. The shock of the cool water takes my breath away, and I flap my arms frantically, not sure which way is up and which way is down. Strong hands grab my waist, lifting me, and as my face breaks the surface, I let out a loud and frantic gasp.

Jonas’s grin is the first thing I see when I swipe my eyes clear of the stinging pool water and melting mascara. “What the hell?” I shout, pushing at his arms, wanting to get out of his grip as soon as I can.

“You were looking hot and bothered up there. I thought it was time for you to let your hair down.”

“Jonas, man! You shouldn’t have done that,” Theron says, and Gabe immediately agrees.

“You practically drowned me and ruined a very expensive blouse.”
