Page 18 of Falling Feathers

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I punch my hips forward and sink all the way inside my woman’s pussy. She lets out a startled scream as her walls squeeze my length like she’s trying to make me stay forever. As if I’d go anywhere.

She clings to me, and I give her a moment, our eyes locked and our breaths matching up. When her hands relax slightly, I start to move. Every thrust is slow and measured at first, both of us adjusting to this new reality, one we should have been able to enjoy a long fucking time ago.

Maybe if I hadn’t been a stupid kid. Maybe if our parents hadn’t gotten married. Maybe if I hadn’t hurt her.

There are a lot of maybes between us, but as our bodies move together and we find a rhythm echoed by the pounding of our hearts, they start to fall away. One by one. They’re lost to the sea of what does exist between us—a rainfall of feathers, soft and sweet as they brush against our skin.

I know there will be more words spoken, there will have to be, but they don’t matter right now. The only thing that matters is this and the moans filling the room. I start to pick up speed, needing to make her come on my cock before I can fill her up.

Being inside of her is every one of my fantasies come true and as much as I want to savor it, it’s too much.

“I need you to squeeze my cock with your sweet cunt, little feather. Need you to come,” I growl.

“Bennett,” she moans, her back arching and her eyes sparkling as her body locks up and she gives herself over to bliss.

I groan out her name as I plunge my cock inside of her as far as I can go and finally, fucking finally, come inside of my woman. I drop my forehead down against my woman’s shoulder, kissing her flushed skin as the last of her orgasm ripples through her body and she wrings out the last of mine.

We’re panting when I pull back enough to look at her face again. Her eyes are closed as her hands stroke through my hair, a satisfied smile on her face. I pull out gently and then roll us, loving how she snuggles into my side and sighs.

It’s a sound of contentment, of rightness, and it echoes through me because that is exactly what I’m feeling too.

I still have a lot to answer for, but I hold onto this right now. Tomorrow will come and I don’t know what is ahead of us, but I’ll fight for her. I should have done it all those years ago, but I didn’t know how. I do now and I’ll do whatever I need to do to make sure I’m worthy of her.

My little feather, my beautiful swan.



After the wake-up call I got last night, in oh so many ways, I’m so glad it’s Friday. It’s my light day as far as patients go and then I’m on call over the weekends, but none of my patients have needed me lately. Which is fine by me, I usually spend my weekend getting errands done that I’m too tired to deal with during the week and reading far too much. Or binge watching something.

I’m boringly regular like that.

But apparently, because I’ve been spirited away to the Devil’s Saints MC’s clubhouse, my organized and normal life has been shaken up. Upended. Turned all topsy turvy. It makes me feel the same way—like I’m out of control and don’t know what way is up or down anymore.

I woke up this morning and it took a while for me to remember where I was, but everything came rushing back when I looked down at the weight across my middle and found Bennett’s arm. Yeah,everythingcame rushing back.

The way I found him hovering over me last night. In my home. The way he looked at me with so much hope and devotion while telling me he wanted to keep me safe. The argument which ensued and feeling like I didn’t have a choice in going to the clubhouse. Then arriving and feeling like the rug was pulled out from under me, again, when I saw Lennon. Bennett carrying me to his room, where we argued, and the hate sex turning into so much more.

I was able to get out of bed without alerting Bennett and slip into the bathroom with some clothes. I took a shower and tried to center myself, but it wasn’t easy. I wasn’t expecting Bennett to be awake when I came out of the bathroom dressed and ready for work.

His gaze was surprisingly hungry as he took me in, and I’ve never felt sexier wearing scrubs before. His voice was rough with sleep, “Where do you think you’re going?”

“I have patients to see today, Penance,” I tried to keep the snark out of my voice, but it slipped in. He gave me a hard stare while I tried not to let my gaze roam over his naked torso as he sat up and scooted back against the headboard. “My patients rely on me,” I pointed out softly, hoping he wasn’t going to argue with me about it.

He nodded once. “I don’t like it, but one of my brothers or a prospect can shadow you while you see your patients.”

It felt like a victory, one I didn’t even have to fight hard for, which made me a little suspicious. I wanted to ask why he gave in so easily, but I was also battling the other elephant in the room—the sex elephant. When Bennett climbed out of bed, very naked, I gasped and shut my eyes.

He chuckled and I could feel him approaching until the heat of his body seeped into me and I squeezed my eyes shut even more, as if it would help. A feather-light kiss landed on my lips, and I gasped as my eyes snapped open.

“Good morning, little feather,” he rasped before kissing me again. Then he spun me around and spanked my ass. “Go on down to the kitchen and have some breakfast. I’ll take a quick shower and meet you down there.”

I was hesitant to leave his room, but breakfast did sound good. At least until I found the kitchen. A woman I had seen perched on a biker’s lap the night before was cooking, but that’s not what gave me pause. It was seeing Lennon there putting food on plates while humming a little song.

I don’t know whether I made a sound or not, but Lennon’s gaze snapped up to mine and her eyes reflected so much regret and remorse. Her lips parted and I shook my head, my voice resigned, “It doesn’t matter.”

She dropped the plate to the kitchen island with a small clatter before she rushed over to me. “Of course it matters. You need to know, Evelyn, I wasn’t sent in as some undercover angel spy. You were my best friend and when you left things were different. Everything I’ve said to you since we’ve reconnected has been absolutely true.”
