Page 21 of Falling Feathers

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Her cheeks turn a delectable shade of pink which has me thinking of her pretty pink nipples and sopping wet pussy. I grin at her softly, studying her and committing every little thing to memory.

So much lost time. It guts me.

Her voice is soft and delicate, just like her and I can see why her patients love her as much as they do, “How was your day?”

“Too long without you in it.”

“Awww,” comes from our right and I look over to see Friar sitting there, his hands tucked under his chin while he bats his eyelashes at us, “that is the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard.”

I flip him off and he starts to laugh. He’s been spending a lot of time at his computers lately which means I won’t punch him, no matter how much I want to. He still hasn’t found the hacker he’s been looking for and I know the number of hours he’s been putting in. The man practically lives on caffeine and determination at this point.

Evelyn giggles softly and buries her face in my chest. I guess the guys can tease us if this is the result. I just love holding her, even if I’ll never admit it to my brothers. Her curves are fucking perfect.

I grab her hand and lead her away from the group and toward my room. I don’t want to put off having the conversation we need to have. I need everything on the table because when the threat against the club is neutralized, I don’t want to go back to a time without Evelyn in my life.

I think she says bye to everyone like the sweet as fuck woman she is, but I’m not sure because it’s difficult to focus on anything other than the pounding of my heart and the fear in my gut. What if she won’t listen to me? What if it’s not enough? What if she doesn’t want to be with me?

“Is everything okay, Bennett?”

The worry in her voice is what pulls me out of my thoughts, and I realize we’ve stopped in front of my door. I nod woodenly and then lead her inside, closing and locking the door behind us. The way she sits on the very edge of my bed as if she’s bracing herself kills me.

I sink down to my knees in front of her and grasp her hands. Her eyebrows pull together, and her navy eyes look sad. “Why are you on your knees? That can’t be comfortable,” she chastises me.

I’m momentarily stunned by her concern and then I throw my head back and bark out a laugh. It feels like my heart is bigger than my chest with how much I love this woman. She disarms me, she always has. She cares about me, even when she doesn’t want to. She meshes with my club without even trying.

Evelyn is scowling at me, an adorable little angry pout, when I get my shit under control. I cup her face in my hands, my voice earnest, “I deserve to be on my knees for you, little feather. You deserve to be worshiped.” My eyes slide closed, and I grimace. “I fucked up so badly back then. I hurt you. I hate myself for hurting you. I’ve been trying to make it right.”

“What do you mean you’ve been trying to make it right?”

“I work for Savior Saints Security, a security business the club owns.” I love how a look of pride flashes across her face. “I’m good at it. One of the things we do through the security company is break up trafficking shipments and rings in the city.”

“Here? Here in Seattle?” Her eyes are wide and filled with fear as her hands come up and grip my shoulders, I’m not even sure she’s aware she’s reaching to me for support, for comfort. “That’s one of those things that is supposed to happen,” she waves her hand like she’s indicating something far away, “over there, you know?” I nod solemnly, I know exactly what she’s saying, but the reality is it happenshere. I’m not sure if there’s anywhere really safe from those who have evil in their heart, it’s just a matter of what form their evil takes. Her voice is a whisper, “You’ve been helping people.”

“It’s my karmic payback.” I swallow hard and look into her eyes, her navy depths pleading with me for something. Maybe she’s hoping I’ve paid my debt and have balanced the scales. “I couldn’t make up for what I did to you, all the things I did to you and the way I made you feel,” my chin drops to my chest, and I can’t meet her eyes, “so I tried to absolve myself another way as penance.”

Understanding lights up her face and she sighs, “Oh, Bennett.”

When she touches my chin and tilts my head upward, I expect to see something like hatred in her eyes. I’ll never be able to undo what I did. I know it. Now she does too.

When I look into her eyes, there’s softness there and my breath hitches. “Do you regret how you hurt me?” I nod, my eyes pleading with her to believe me. “Are you going to hurt me again?”

“Never,” I spit out the word, the vehemence in my declaration surprising me a little bit. “I will never hurt you again, little feather. I couldn’t live with myself. For the rest of my life all I want is the chance to be at your side, to protect you, to watch you dance on the breeze, and to love you.”

Tears fill her eyes, but before I can second guess my words or ask her if she’s okay, her soft lips meet mine. I’m surprised at first, but when her tongue slides along my bottom lip, my brain comes back online, and I groan. I take over the kiss and she submits to me in the most beautiful way, melting against me and following my lead. It’s sexy as fuck and my cock is begging to be buried inside of her again.

She rips her mouth from mine and gasps, “Is this because I’m beautiful now and not an ugly duckling?”

White hot rage fills me at her words. I know they’re her insecurities and I had a part in putting them in her head. I’m pissed that she could think such a thing about herself, even now, and even more pissed at me for making her doubt her beauty.

“You have always been the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” I growl the words. I can tell she wants to argue, but I don’t give her a chance. “That’s why I couldn’t touch another woman. They weren’t you and I wasn’t going to settle for some cheap imitation.”

“I’m,” she shrugs and makes some sort of hand motion meant to indicate her body, “you know.”

“Sexy as fuck?” She bites her lip, and I can tell she’s trying not to smile as she starts to blush. I grip the sweater she’s wearing, which she must have changed into after she got home. I pull it over her head and let out a growl of approval at the sight of her braless tits barely restrained in the tank top she’s wearing. “Fuck, I want to dive into your tits and never come up for air.”

Evelyn laughs and her eyes dance with amusement. She muses, “You know, your brothers were telling me how you’re so serious all the time. Always trying to pay something back or prove something to the universe.”

I nod solemnly as my hands work to slip the leggings from my woman and she lifts her hips to help me. “My atonement,” I admit as I pull the tank top off her body, leaving her in just a pair of lacy cheeky panties.
