Page 33 of Falling Feathers

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Lennon groans and when I look at her, her face is all scrunched up in revulsion, but her eyes are dancing with amusement. “You two really are disgusting, you know that right?”

I can’t help but laugh, my friend joining me even though there is a bittersweet undertone to it. Tonight, the party is only the club and I’m glad. It might include the angels, but all of them have known from the start to stay away from my man so I haven’t had any issues with them.

Now, on a normal party night when there are hang arounds it’s a different story. They all look at me like they’re figuring out a way to get me out of the picture so they can have Bennett as their own. Not going to fucking happen.

If they knew that Bennett barely gave me a month before we got married, they might realize they don’t have a chance in hell with him. Honestly, he only let me have that much time because I told him I wouldn’t marry him before we sat down with our parents to let them know about our relationship and upcoming wedding.

He was reluctant and didn’t want to budge. When I pushed him to tell me why he didn’t want to sit down with them, he ran his fingers through my hair and sighed, “I don’t want them to upset you. If they don’t like that we’re together because they were married and we were stepsiblings once upon a time, it’ll make you sad. I won’t tolerate that shit.”

I kissed him before I snuggled into his chest, our naked bodies pressed together, “They’re allowed to feel whatever they feel about us being together. It won’t make me love you any less and it won’t stop us from getting married. What I refuse to do is treat us like a dirty little secret or something to be ashamed of.”

That jolted him a little bit and he started to nod slowly before he let out a big breath. “Fine. Let’s set up dinner.”

When we sat down with them, it was a little awkward at first but that had nothing to do with us or our relationship and everything to do with the divorced adults sitting across from us. They were definitely shocked about us being together and had questions about whether anything happened back in high school, but there wasn’t any yelling or hurtful words.

We gave them the chance to be there at our wedding to support us and our love and they showed up. They were even civil with each other and shared a dance. It was sweet and I appreciated the effort they put into being there for us without making it about them.

Bennett was surprised they took the news so well, but, really, what other choice did they have? It’s not like we’d been close to either of them for a long time. If things went south, it wasn’t going to be a great loss beyond the expectations others might have about family.

Bennett laughing at the face Lennon’s making pulls me out of my thoughts about our parents and I find I’m fiddling with my wedding ring. It’s never once felt odd on my finger, it’s always just felt right. Like being with my biker. It’s just right.

“I hope my stepbrothers aren’t horrible,” she muses. She looks us over, her voice teasing, “Although it worked out for you two.”

My mouth drops open, and she starts laughing so hard she’s wheezing as she bends over. I’m tempted to give her a shove, but I don’t. I’m going to miss her.

She’s using humor to deflect from how she’s really feeling. She doesn’t want to move to Phoenix, but her mom has had some health problems, and her stepbrothers are taking over the real estate business completely. She’s been asked to join them down there to not only spend time with her mom, but to also help with the business, which has been family run since it began.

“They better not be dicks to you,” my voice takes on an angry edge. “If they are, let me know and I’ll motivate the brothers to take a trip and kick some ass.”

I don’t know if I have that kind of authority or not, but I bet for Lennon they would make it happen. I’ve seen the way the guys treat her, and they really do look at her like a sister and not an angel, for the most part. I hug Lennon again, not being able to help myself, and she laughs before squeezing me around the middle.

“Careful,” Bennett warns, and I whip my head in his direction so fast my hair smacks Lennon in the face and she grunts.

My voice is full of accusation, “Why would she need to be careful?” The way the smile on Bennett’s face grows has me pouting and crossing my arms across my chest. “You know, don’t you?”

Bennett’s moss-gray eyes roam down my body, pausing on my abdomen, before coming back up. He tries to look innocent, but fails miserably, “Know what?”

“I was going to tell you tonight,” my voice shakes, and I try and stop the tears collecting in my eyes. I wave my hand at the horrified look Bennett gives me. “Fucking hormones.”

He pulls me against his chest and whispers against my ear, “Little feather, I know every single inch of your body and how you respond to me. I noticed the moment your tits started getting sore because they’re one of my favorite playgrounds.”

I chuckle against his chest and smack his shoulder lightly. “My body is not a playground.”

“It is to me,” he teases.

I prop my chin on his chest and look up into his eyes. “Are you upset?”

He scoffs, “That you’re pregnant with my baby?” I nod slowly, worry creeping in when I know it has no business being there. “Never,” he snarls, and I know it comes from the depths of him.

Lennon lets out a little squeal and I look over at her to find her bouncing on her feet. “Can I be excited now?” I smile at her and nod. “You’re having a baby,” she practically screams, getting the attention of most of the club.

She throws her arms around me, not caring at all about Bennett still holding me. She whispers, “I’m so happy for you and there is no way I can miss my godchild’s life. We’ll figure out the how, but I’ll be here whenever you need me. We’re family.”

“Family,” I echo, and it washes over me, only sinking deeper as those who call the DSMC their home come and congratulate us, their excitement written all over their faces.

I might have felt like an ugly duckling back in the day, even before Bennett used those words and shattered me, but I know now that I’m exactly who I am meant to be. I’m surrounded by people who know my worth and love me for me. I couldn’t be happier and by the way Bennett is looking down at me, he couldn’t be either.
