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I nodded, understanding her. "That makes sense," I murmured. "Professionalism first."

"But..." she trailed off, biting her lip as she contemplated what to say next.

My heart pounded a bit faster. "But what?" I asked, the anticipation almost too much.

"But I want you too," she finally admitted, her cheeks turning a lovely shade of pink.

The weight of her words hung heavily between us. I couldn't help but be moved by her honesty. It was refreshing and surprising, and something I rarely associated with relationships.

Encouraged by her admission, I decided to lay my cards on the table. "After the decision about the job is made," I began, "Would you consider going out on a date with me?"

She seemed surprised by my question. "A date?"

"Yes, a date. I want to see you outside of this cabin, outside of the hospital," I replied honestly. "I want to explore whatever this is between us."

Her eyes widened slightly at my words. "The other nurses talk, Tony. You have a reputation."

I let out a small chuckle, shaking my head. "I know," I admitted. "And I won't deny that I've had some fun with a few of the nurses on different floors. But not one of them are anything like you, Jude."

The look on her face told me she wasn't sure whether to be flattered or insulted, but the spark in her eyes told me she was intrigued.

"Look," I confessed, my eyes locked with hers. "I won't lie to you. I've been a bit of a... well, a man-whore."

Her laugh, soft and low, filled the cabin. "I'm not worried about your past, Tony," she said. "I just don't want anyone to think I got to my position because I slept my way into it."

I respected her for that. "I completely understand," I reassured her. "You have my word, no one will hear about any of this from me."

"Good," she said, her eyes lighting up. "And maybe, if you're lucky, I might agree to go on a date with you...afterI get the job."

Her playful response caught me off guard and I found myself laughing heartily. Spontaneously, I reached out and grabbed her around the waist, pulling her closer. She yelped in surprise, but I saw a delighted grin on her face.

She was a firecracker, this woman. With her, I could see something more than just a casual fling. I could see the possibility of a real relationship. But that was a thought for another day. I was content to enjoy our remaining time in the cabin, cherishing each moment I had with her.

Our flirting turned into a soft dance, our bodies swaying as our words flowed. My eyes were locked onto hers, the beautiful green orbs twinkling with mirth and something else... anticipation, perhaps? Her hand found its way to my chest, her fingers lightly tracing the contours of my muscles through my shirt, causing an involuntary shiver to run down my spine.

With every passing second, the temperature in the room seemed to rise exponentially. I could see the desire in her eyes mirroring my own. It was a raw, primal need that I knew we both felt.

I cupped her face, my thumb caressing her lower lip before I leaned in to capture it with my own. The kiss was soft at first, tentative, but it quickly grew more passionate, more desperate.

Breaking away I looked at her, both of us catching our breath. "Jude," I breathed out, my voice sounding huskier than I'd expected. She didn't respond with words, instead she just nodded slightly, her eyes full of want.

It didn't take us long to find our way back to the bed, her soft laughter filling the air as we fumbled our way through the space. Her body fit perfectly against mine, like the missing piece of a puzzle. As we fell into the sheets, I knew I wouldn't trade those moments for anything else. I was completely lost in her.

Our lips never parted as we tumbled onto the bed, and I could taste the sweetness of her breath mingling with her natural essence. It was intoxicating. I kissed her deeper, savoring the sensation of her lips moving in sync with mine.

Her hands roamed my back as mine caressed her sides, pulling her closer, leaving no space between us. Our kisses turned into a symphony of shared breaths, soft moans, and hungry explorations. It was as if our souls were speaking through the passion of our kisses.

I traced the contours of her lips with my tongue, and she opened her mouth inviting me in. The kiss deepened, a dance of tongues, a sweet battle for dominance that neither of us really wanted to win.

The world seemed to blur as we lost ourselves in each other. All of life’s worries, all the uncertainties, all the fears, none of it mattered when we were wrapped up in one another, connected and bare, in both body and soul.

She tasted like a dream, and I knew I could never get enough. This wasn't just a kiss; it was an affirmation, a vow without words, and a moment that would be etched into my very being for the rest of my days.

Our kisses evolved into something more, a sweet promise of what was to come. Her fingers traced patterns on my skin, igniting a trail of fire that shot straight to my core. Our clothes were quickly discarded, falling to the floor with soft thuds, drowned out by the rapid beating of our hearts.

In the dim morning light of the cabin, her body was a breathtaking sight. Her curves were highlighted by the sun, creating a tantalizing silhouette that made my breath hitch. The anticipation was intense as we moved together, a dance as old as time yet as unique as the two of us. Our bodies met in a beautiful collision of passion and desire. Her touch was electrifying, sending waves of pleasure crashing through me.

Every touch, every whisper, every shared glance was an affirmation of the connection that continued to form between us. And as the dance continued, we found ourselves getting swept away by the current, caught in the captivating pull of desire and need.
