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"You want to explain why your girlfriend is stealing from me, Andrew?" I demanded, turning to face him, the box's weight growing heavier in my hands.

"His fiancée," Ashley retorted, her tone smug. It was like she'd won a victory, and I couldn't help but snort and roll my eyes at her. Sure enough, she raised her left hand to show off a huge, gaudy diamond ring.

“Good luck to you sweetheart. You’re gonna need it being married to that one,” I shot back.

She glared at me, her smug smile creeping into a sneer. "Andrew and I want those glasses. They were a gift from his parents."

I stared at both of them in disbelief, the reality of the situation sinking in. Not only had Andrew and Ashley invaded my home, but they were also there to take what they believed was theirs. Technically they were breaking and entering, not to mention burglarizing. My grip tightened around the box, the sharp edges of the cardboard digging into my skin.

I looked from Ashley, standing there with an expectant look on her face, to Andrew, who had the decency to look somewhat embarrassed. Then, my gaze fell onto the box again, onto the crystal glasses, each one a stark reminder of a past that had been marred by betrayal.

A tense silence filled the room, punctuated only by the distant hum of the refrigerator and the ticking of the wall clock. The irony of the situation wasn't lost on me. Here I was, standing in my own house, defending what was mine from the very person who had once promised to cherish and respect me.

With a sudden burst of pent-up anger, I stepped over and shoved the box into Andrew's arms. There was a satisfying crack as one of the glasses presumably broke. "Anything else in this house you think is yours, Andrew?" I asked, my tone icy. "Go ahead and grab it now. You and your fiancée will not be coming back.”

“Easy, Jude,” he said, his tone frustratingly calm as he stood up and set the box down on the table. “We thought you’d be gone. Last thing either of us wanted was to make this a thing.”

I managed to keep my tone cheerily venomous, even as I addressed Ashley. "Well, I’d most definitely call this a thing. So, if you wouldn't mind, kindly fuck off."

A scowl deepened on Ashley's perfectly made-up face. "We did your parents a favor by coming all the way here," she retorted, clearly flustered by my bluntness. "If we want to take what belongs to Andrew, we have every right to do so."

I chuckled, my amusement laced with disbelief. "Funny you should mention rights. Andrew's name isn't on the mortgage anymore, which means you're technically breaking and entering. And stealing. And you know what happens to people who do that, don't you? They get arrested."

Andrew, surprisingly enough, seemed to take the hint. "Ashley, it's time to go," he said, his voice filled with a hint of resignation. But she wasn't ready to back down yet.

"Well, where were you all weekend, Jude?" she shot back, ignoring Andrew's plea. "You scared your parents half to death and put us out of our way. That's pretty shitty of you."

Each of her words fueled my irritation, sparking a fiery retort on the tip of my tongue. The audacity she had to question my actions and decisions, in my own house, was beyond astounding. She stood there, in her designer clothes and entitled air, acting as though she had the right to pass any judgment on me. The thought was laughable, and yet, at the same time, infuriating.

My gaze zeroed in on Ashley, my teeth grinding together in a semblance of a smile. I knew I shouldn't let her get to me; I knew I shouldn't engage. The woman lived for confrontation, thrived on sowing discord. But I was worn out, conflicted about Tony, and absolutely not in the mood for any of Ashley's antics.

I squared my shoulders, turning fully to face her. "Unless you've suddenly become my mother," I began, my voice pitched low and threateningly calm, "where I've been and what I've been doing is none of your damn business."

I swung my gaze back to Andrew, my expression serious. "Thank you for your... concern," I said, each word drenched in pointed sarcasm. "But I would appreciate it if you deleted my parents' numbers from your phone. I'll make sure they have Sally's and other friends' contacts if they need to check on me in the future."

The look on Andrew's face was one of slight bewilderment. I hadn't often stood up to him with such force during our marriage, so my defiance was evidently unexpected. As for Ashley, her expression was a mixture of indignation and surprise, a silent admission that she had underestimated me. It was a satisfying sight, providing a small comfort to the otherwise frustrating situation.

I held my ground, my gaze never faltering from Ashley's spiteful glare. With a sharp inhalation, she spat out the words, "You're a real bitch, Jude. No wonder you couldn’t hold on to him.” She flashed a smile at Andrew, as if he were her hard-won prize.

Andrew breathed out a sharp draw of air through his mouth, seeming to sense how over the line Ashley had gone with her comment.

“Easy, Ash. No need to turn this place into a warzone any more than it already is.”

Ashley’s insult hung in the air, a bitter pill that had been tossed casually into the mix. But I refused to let it get to me. Instead, I smirked, my response slipping off my tongue with ease. "Go fuck yourself Ashley.” The harsh words echoed in the tense silence of the room.

With that, I ushered them toward the door, my heart pounding with a mix of anger and a strange sense of exhilaration. Ashley spun around, her mouth opening as if to fire off another parting shot. But I wasn't giving her that satisfaction as I shoved them out onto the porch.

I slammed the door shut with a satisfying finality, my hand deftly flipping the deadbolt into place. The house fell into a tranquil quiet right away, a stark contrast to the storm that had just been raging within its walls.

Leaning against the door, I let out a shaky breath. I knew I should have been the bigger person, should have handled the situation with more grace and maturity. Yet in that moment, giving Ashley a piece of my mind felt deeply cathartic.

It felt good to finally stand up against the woman who had intentionally entangled herself with my husband, to show her that I was not a pushover. That I was more than capable of fighting back when pushed. And oh, how good it felt.

All the same, nothing would make me happier than never seeing those two again in my life. Hopefully, it would be the last time they’d darken my door.

Chapter 13

