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Chad escortedHope into the huge open area of her unreal vacation home, fighting the disappointment swirling inside him. He laughed and teased with her and Faith as they ate the delicious stuffed peppers Faith had prepared for them. Of course the creative and whimsical Faith knew he was coming and had made extra for him.

His gaze rarely strayed from Hope’s mesmerizing blue eyes. He loved the pink tinge highlighting her high cheekbones, the way she flipped her long golden-brown hair, and the way she gazed at him as if he were the only man in her world.

He hid his frustration that she hadn’t fallen into his arms and was immune to his charming lines, his meaningful looks, or even his irresistible touch. He’d heard all about his allure from many, many women, but Hope was the only one he couldn’t put out of his mind.

The weekend he met her three years ago, he’d known there was something special about her. Hope herself, and their time together, had been ideal. He assumed they’d have many more incredible weekends and time to develop a relationship before he revealed that the great Chad Prescott had fallen as quick as an idealistic and inexperienced teenager.

Surprisingly, she’d friend zoned him the day after she returned home to America. He had no idea why. It had stung deeply when she wouldn’t offer any explanation and for almost a year, she wouldn’t even respond to his texts or calls. Of course he couldn’t leave the relationship like that. No woman rejected him. Eventually he had worn her down, with the help of her younger sister Faith, and they’d developed a friendship of sorts.

He’d also continued to date a variety of women. Amazingly, every date, every beautiful woman who went insane over him, convinced him that his first instincts had been spot on—Hope was unique and the right woman for him.

He longed to move past their friendship, date her, and get her to fall for him like he’d already fallen for her. Even the six months he’d patiently dated Sophie Pederson were only a weak replacement for the deep feelings he’d developed for Hope over the past three years. He’d talked himself into believing he could fall in love with Sophie, mostly because of his fascination at the idea of being a dad to adorable five-year-old Sunny. He longed to be the father he’d never had. It had stung when Sophie chose Prince Malik, but nothing like the constant gouging of Hope’s never-ending rejections.

He and Faith both believed Sophie and Malik’s wedding might be his big chance. Hope would finally come to Augustine with him. He’d have her stay in the castle, meet his mum, and go to his cabin above the military training facility. He’d wondered if she rejected him because she was an accomplished businesswoman and he was a loyal military man—definitely not some high-powered executive like she probably wanted. His kingdom was extremely affluent and his cabin was almost as nice as this home, though not nearly as big. Could he prove he was successful at his chosen career, impress her with his beautiful country and royal friends, but most importantly, get her to fall so deeply in love with him that she’d give up on any talk of ‘friends’ and pledge her devotion to him for life?

The meal finished, and they cleaned up together. These women might be ultra-successful, and he knew they had professional shoppers and housekeepers, but they were real and down to earth, having built their business using only their ingenuity and desperation to succeed. They were always willing to cook or clean up, and he knew they worked far too many hours when they weren’t here on vacation. Even on their vacation, he’d seen them take phone calls and deal with work on their laptops. He loved watching Hope’s concentration and zeal when she counseled with an employee or secured a new deal. She was inspiring and hard-working.

“Do you have time for a hike with us?” Faith asked, giving him a secretive wink. She was the little sister he’d always dreamed of.

“I feared you would never ask.” He grinned, though it was impossible to miss the exasperated look Hope threw at Faith.

It was always like this. He and Faith conspiring. Hope resisting. But she gave him enough encouragement with her blue eyes and her teasing to keep him coming back for more punishment and rejection at her lovely hands. No woman besides Hope and Sophie had ever rejected him. Sophie’s rejection had been a letdown and a small hit to his pride, but Hope’s rejection was a knife to his vital organs that never stopped. He’d become convinced over the past three years that she was the only woman in the world for him, and that was no line. He had to prove he was the right man for her.

They strapped on light backpacks with the Lady Fit logo that Faith had designed and Hope had taken through the process of development, testing, production, and marketing. They made a fabulous team, but he knew the death of their older sister Grace last year continued to be tough in many ways. Hope had picked up the slack at work and they’d both dealt with overwhelming grief. Their parents had each left them as teenagers, just like Chad’s dad had left him and his mum when he was a young child. Hope and Faith were extremely close, and he knew Hope tried to fill the parent role as well as the big sister.

The packs were filled with water bottles, snacks, and pepper spray. The last item made him smile. He always carried a pistol and knife and could defeat any man or beast, especially any who dared to threaten these two very important women.

Walking out into the brisk, early October air, Chad drew in a deep breath. This gorgeous mountain town was almost as pretty as Augustine. Nothing topped Augustine in his mind. Except for one Hope Radisson. If she’d return his feelings, he’d do anything to be with her full time. They could split their time between Augustine and America. He couldn’t imagine not seeing his mum, his best friends, his men, and his beloved country on a regular basis, but for Hope … was there anything he wouldn’t do?

He was getting ahead of himself. First he had to somehow accomplish the impossible and get Hope to see how strong his feelings were and convince her to return the favor.

They headed up the closest dirt trail, walking through thick forest at a steep incline. This was the very mountainside where he’d fought the evil William Rindlesbacher to protect Prince Malik and Sophie. Thankfully, William and his son Treven were dead and that nightmare was behind them. Naomi was still at large, but everything had been blessedly quiet on that front and his close friends, the royals of Augustine, all prayed that Naomi was deep in hiding, never to be heard from again. It was probably too much to hope for, as she was a psychotic, brilliant, and determined monster with a lot of connections and people loyal to her.

“So, Chad …” Faith looked over her shoulder and past her sister, who was directly in front of him. “Isn’t Prince Malik and Sophie Pederson’s wedding this weekend?”

Bless her. Faith would help him get Hope there. Somehow.

“It is. In fact, I asked Hope to accompany me to the royal wedding and for a long overdue visit to Augustine.”

“Ah!” Faith stopped walking and spun to face her sister, grabbing her hands and squealing, “Yes! You have to go. What a dream come true. A royal wedding? The magical kingdom of Augustine with charming Major Chad Prescott as your escort? It’s every girl’s dream come true.”

Chad owed Faith, as always. She’d brag him up and somehow they’d break through Hope’s walls together. Even Faith didn’t know why Hope had turned cold after their perfect initial weekend together. Grace had also treated him differently, a little reluctant and standoffish with him, before she was killed last year. Had Hope only confided in her older sister about what he’d done wrong?

Hope looked back at him with an arched brow. She knew they’d been scheming. “Why don’tyougo, Faith?” she asked her sister. “You’re much more excited about the prospect than I am. I don’t have the same dreams as ‘every girl’.”

Chad’s stomach churned. That wasn’t the response he and Faith were hoping for, and the last sentence was definitely a shot. Hope was not a girl. She was a woman in every sense of the word.

Women flocked to him, and before he fell for Hope and after she broke his heart, he’d dated a lot. That was one of the many reasons he knew she was the one. He’d searched after she dropped him, determined to move on, instead he’d never found her equal.

When Sophie chose Malik, it was the slap in the face and wake-up call Chad needed. He decided then and there that he had to shoot for his star. He was finished wasting his time on anyone but Hope. If he couldn’t get her to fall for him, he’d die grumpy and alone. Those were cheerful thoughts, especially when she seemed no nearer to falling for him than she had the past three years. Faith had convinced him the enchanting royal wedding would be the breakthrough he needed. So far, it wasn’t looking good.

“Oh … my … goodness … gracious!” Faith hammed it up. She almost sounded like Princess Aliya from the southern states, not a native Californian. “I would absolutelydieto go to Augustine and Prince Malik and Sophie Pederson’s wedding. What a dream. You are so lucky, Hope.”

“You go. It’ll be a fabulous trip, and one Radisson sister is about the same as the other.” She gave Chad a challenging look.

This was completely backfiring.

“I’m like Chad’s little sister.” Faith wrinkled her nose. “And besides, he didn’t ask me. He asked you.”
