Page 24 of Chosen Wolf

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She rubs the finger where the ring used to be. “What have we found out about Krissy?”

“Nothing yet,” I respond before silencing my phone. If it’s important, the guys can use our mind connection. We still don’t use it often; we’re so used to using our phones that we forget. “We’re working on it,” I assure her. With everything that’s been going on, I don’t want her to think that we’ve forgotten.

“I have a feeling deep down in the pit of my stomach that everything will get worse, almost like everything we’ve been through is preparing us for what’s to come.” She picks up her coffee and takes another drink.

I know what she means. The guys and I have discussed this. Tyler said she was distracted yesterday. I asked Benji, but work was so busy she didn’t have the time to sit and really think about anything.

I know there’s a threat looming over our heads. We have no clue what will happen next, and we hate being in the dark so much.

“Have you guys found out anything about the woman with violet eyes? The one who’s locked up.” She sounds as though it doesn’t matter too much, but her heartbeat picks up. She wants to know more than she lets on. She’s probably afraid to have high hopes that the lady would have any information that would help her figure out who she is, and she’s convinced herself it doesn’t really matter.

“Nothing yet, but we’re on it, Katarina.” She nods her head sadly. I don’t like that look on her. It feels like we’re failing her, but that’s not what I want at all.

Fifteen minutes later, our server brings our food, and her face lights up with happiness. She drenches her pancakes in syrup as she takes a bite of her omelet.

She’s devouring her food, no longer counting carbs in her head. What a relief to break her of that habit. I hate how she thought she had to keep herself skinny. I fucking hate Theo for making her feel as if she needed to lose weight.

We’re having a lovely time. I watch her eat, and I’ve barely touched my food. “Ash, are you going to eat?” She points at my untouched food.

We haven’t bickered once since we fucked. Knowing that I need to bring this conversation up makes my stomach churn.

I just need to come out and say it, but when I open my mouth, my wolf makes an appearance. “Katarina, is Theo a supernatural?” She drops her fork, and it hits the plate with a loud noise that I’m sure everyone inside the restaurant heard.

She looks at me with dread in her wide eyes. I’ve just brought her whole world crumbling down.

She leans back, crossing her arms before answering, “What. . . what do you mean?” Her cheerful voice is now gone, and I hate that I had to bring this up. I wish we could go back to me watching her devour everything on her plate, but we need to know because if Theo is, then he’s more dangerous than we thought and we’ll need to prepare.

I push my wolf back from wanting to shift. I can feel him vibrating with anger as soon as I mention Theo and supernatural in the same sentence.

“He’s not a human.” I try a different approach. Maybe she didn’t understand the wording the first time.

“Oh goddess no.”My wolf shakes its head.“I’m going back to my cave if you won’t let me take over.”In my mind, he’s running as fast as he can to avoid the situation.Fucking wolf.

Her brows lift almost to her hairline, and she grabs her coffee and takes another drink to think through my words.

“We believe he might be a shifter, but we aren’t sure,” I add and she spits out her drink. She grabs the napkins and wipes her dress.

Once she’s done, she looks at me again. “I’ve lived with him for sixteen years, that man is no wolf.”

“Was it. . .” I clear my throat trying to think of my next words. This is not easy, and I don’t know if it’ll trigger other feelings. “Was it maybe a possibility he was hiding it from you?” She opens her mouth to speak—most likely to argue the situation. “It would explain why Ava is trying to transition into a wolf, and it would explain why he wants to see them now after he said he wanted nothing to do with the kids.”

She chews on her nail and really thinks about it. “Ash, it would make sense, but. . .” She takes a drink of her coffee, almost like she’s trying to hide behind her cup. “But there would have been a slip up.” She sounds so sure of her answer. I want to remind her that she wasn’t aware he was sleeping around until a couple months ago, but that would hurt her too much, so I stay silent instead.

“You’re probably right,” I say, trying to end the conversation before I upset her further. Theo is a testy subject for all of us. My brothers and I because we want to murder the person who hurt our mate. Katarina because of all the abuse she went through and not to mention the kids.

“Ash, stop,” she says suddenly.

“What?” I adjust my tie, giving me something to do. “What the hell did I do?”

“You’re trying to agree with me because you don’t want to hurt my feelings. You should know I’m stronger than that.”

“As your. . . uhh. . .”

“Mate. . .” she finishes off. I don’t want to frighten her again. “Ash! I know what we are, I’m not going to get scared. I also know that I’m the Luna of the pack.” At my startled expression she continues. “I had to ask around after Joseph called meLuna.”

I rub my forehead. This isn’t going so well, but I try again. “As your mate, it’s in my nature to want to take care of you.” And I already know what she’s thinking. “And yeah, I know I was a douche before, but I didn’t know you were my mate.” She leans forward on the table with her elbows propped up. “I was only an ass because I felt like I was betraying Emma.”

Her face softens. “Well, as kind as your gesture is, don’t fucking sugarcoat it. I want to know the truth. I want to be a part of your secrets, which I know you’re still keeping from me.” She leans back again, crossing her arms. How do I tell her about the one that’s keeping my brothers and me up all night? I have to be sure before I say anything that can be damaging to our new relationship.

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