Page 1 of Amon

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Chapter One

Sonny pulled over to the curb when he saw the flashing lights in his rearview mirror. He watched as the cop got out of his car and walked to his window. Sonny hit the button to roll it down.

“Can you tell me why I’m pulling you over?”

He knew exactly why the cop had pulled him over, but Sonny wasn’t admitting to anything. “No, Officer. What did I do?”

The man was broad and round, like an aging wine barrel. His hair was mousy brown and receded from a high forehead, but he had the prettiest blue eyes. “I pulled you over because you blew through that stop sign. You’re also not wearing your seat belt.”

Sonny sighed. He knew he was in trouble, but he’d been in a rush to get home and had forgotten to buckle up and come to a complete stop at the intersection. He didn’t want to argue with the cop, nor did he have any intention of getting into a legal dispute. He’d been busted, so there was no use trying to deny it.

So, he apologized and accepted the ticket.

When the cop walked away, Sonny stuck his tongue out but made sure the cop wasn’t looking at him when he did it. A freaking ticket. That was just his luck.

After tossing the ticket on the passenger’s seat, Sonny pulled away from the curb and hurried home, making sure to obey all traffic laws.

Just as he pulled into the driveway, close to the back door that led right into the kitchen, his phone rang. Sonny parked and pulled out his phone. It was his sister Amy calling him.

“County Morgue. You stab ’em, we slab ’em,” Sonny said when he answered.

“I stabbed ten guys,” she said, playing along. “Do I have to drop off the bodies myself, or are you going to come collect them?”

Sonny chuckled. “Hey, sis. What’s going on?”

He thought about the ice cream and the other perishable stuff in the grocery bags. Amy had shitty timing, but Sonny would never refuse her call.

“I haven’t heard from you in a few days, so I wanted to check on you,” she said.

Sonny knew why she was calling. Just like one of the mates in the house, Zach, Sonny was a recovering drug addict. He was six months sober, and proud of himself, but his sisters still checked on him like he would fall back into old habits.

Well, Amy checked on him. His other sisters had a wait-and-see attitude. He didn’t blame them. He’d tried to kick the habit a few times and hadn’t succeeded, but it was Amy who never gave up on him.

Ultimately, it had been Eleazar, the coven leader, who’d saved Sonny’s life. Sonny was indebted to the guy, and he stayed busy enough that he hardly ever thought about his old life and habits.

“Just super busy,” he said. “How’s my favorite sister?”

She laughed. “I’m not your favorite, dork. Even though I know you’ll blow me off, can you come to dinner this weekend?”

Sonny’s schedule kept him busy. Between cleaning rooms, running errands, and cooking, he barely had any time to himself. But he really did miss his family. “I’ll have to check with my boss and see if I can get a night off.”

“Really?” She sounded surprised. “How about Saturday night, seven?”

“I’ll let you know, but I’ve got groceries to get inside, hon. My ice cream is melting in this heat.”

“Freak heat,” she said. “Heat wave in October. Crazy.”

Not really, but he didn’t correct her. He was too worried about the food. “Okay, stop trying to keep me on the phone. I gotta go.” He made kissy noises. “Later, hon.”

Once Sonny got out, he glanced at the rose bush on the side of the house. Looking around to make sure the gardener was nowhere around, Sonny plucked a rose free and tucked it behind his ear before grabbing the bags from the trunk and taking them in through the back door of the estate.

He got the bags inside, food put away, and then started dinner. These days all Andrew wanted was fried chicken. His arteries were going to clog if he didn’t ease off the fried food, but Sonny made whatever Eleazar’s pregnant mate wanted.

Could Andrew get clogged arteries if he was mated to a vampire? Sonny wasn’t sure. Maybe next time he talked with Amon, he would ask. Great, now all Sonny was thinking about was the hot vampire who followed him around. It was for Sonny’s safety, of course, since a lot of the vampires deemed humans as nothing more than food.

Though, to be honest, ever since Andrew had shown up, and then Zach, the coven had started to accept the fact that there was food walking around the estate that they couldn’t touch. It would be like watching a cheeseburger walk by him all the time and not able to take a delicious bite.

Not even a little nibble.
