Page 10 of Amon

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“Is something wrong?”

Sonny turned to see an employee standing there, staring curiously at him.

“Do you have a back exit?”

The young woman looked at Sonny as if he’d lost his mind. He hadn’t. It was Officer Slater out there, waiting for Sonny to come outside.

The woman’s eyes softened. “Do you need me to call the cops for you?”

That was the last thing Sonny needed. “No, I just need to get out of here, preferably not through the front door.”

She looked toward the large plate-glass window. Sonny wondered if Slater was still out there. He wanted to look but didn’t dare pop his head up again. She looked back down at Sonny. “Follow me.”

Keeping low, he followed her to the back of the store. When they were in the back hallway, which he assumed led to an office, he straightened. “Thank you.”

“Honey, no woman should put you through this. Whoever she is, dump her.” She used a key to deactivate the alarm on the door then opened it. Sonny froze when he heard a jingle, indicating that someone had come in.

“Again, thanks.” Sonny hurried out the door and around the neighboring building. He used alleyways to get as far away from Slater as he could, hoping the guy didn’t tow his car. The prick probably would, conjuring a story of why he had to do it.

When he was far enough away from the gas station, Sonny pulled out his phone and ordered an Uber, noticing how badly his hands were shaking. He looked around and then moved swiftly to a coffee shop, slipping inside Hayley’s Heaven. Now that he had an address, he ordered the ride then waited until it arrived.

Sonny sank low in the backseat in case Slater was combing the streets for him. Was he overreacting, or had it simply been a coincidence that Slater had shown up at the gas station? Sonny wanted to think he was overreacting, but Slater had targeted him on that second ticket.

Now he wasn’t sure what to think.

When the Uber dropped him off at the front door of the estate, Sonny decided to use the back door. He slipped inside, needing to go to his room because he was shaken, but halfway there, Amon appeared.

“Please, not now.” Sonny tried to brush past him, but Amon grabbed his arm and stopped him.

“Sonny, what’s wrong? I can smell fear pouring off of you.”

“Stop smelling me!” Sonny took a few deep breaths. He hadn’t meant to take his fear out on Amon, but he couldn’t help it. Now he felt as if he couldn’t even go outside to do his job without Slater harassing him.

For what? Why had he zeroed in on Sonny? Why?

Instead of asking him again what was wrong, Amon folded Sonny in his arms. Sonny hadn’t realized how much he’d needed a hug until he was pressed against the vampire’s chest. Amon didn’t say a word. He simply held him.

Sonny melted into the embrace, finally able to breathe.

Chapter Three

Amon had no idea what was going on, but he was going to find out. He hated to see Sonny so shaken, so fearful, and Amon wanted to annihilate whoever had done this. He rested his chin on Sonny’s hair, listening as Sonny’s breathing finally came back under control.

“Tell me what you need me to do,” Amon said softly.

“Exactly what you’re doing,” Sonny said against Amon’s chest.

Not wanting to stand in the hallway, Amon lifted him into his arms, surprised the guy didn’t protest, and carried him to Sonny’s bedroom, where the human might feel safer than in Amon’s room. Someplace familiar and, hopefully, comforting.

He didn’t put Sonny down. Amon sat on the side of the bed, simply holding him.

Finally, Sonny pulled away, extracted himself from Amon, and sat next to him. Amon wanted the guy back in his arms, but right now, it was all about Sonny.

Sonny reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper, handing it over. Curious, Amon unfolded it and read it.

It was a ticket for running a red light. “You’re shaken over a ticket?”

“No.” Sonny got up and went to his drawer, pulling out a piece of paper, and then returned to Amon. “Read who the officer is who gave me those tickets.”
