Page 11 of Amon

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Officer Slater. “I’m sorry, Sonny, but I’m not following.”

He sat back down and told Amon what happened the first time he’d been pulled over. He explained how he’d been in the wrong that first time but not the second time and how he’d spotted the cop outside the gas station. The more Amon heard, the more he wanted to rip the cop’s heart out.

Worse, Sonny hadn’t called him. Amon would have sent help right away. He knew people, had connections, had humans who would have gladly come to Sonny’s rescue, for a price. And Amon would have paid that price to ensure Sonny’s safety.

“And you’ve never met him before?”

Sonny shook his head. “Never.”

Why would the cop target Sonny? That didn’t make any sense, but Amon was going to find out. He was going to pay Office Slater a visit as soon as the sun set.

“I’m going to handle it.” Amon took Sonny’s hand, glad the human didn’t pull away.

“How?” Sonny glanced up at him. “Please don’t tell me you’re going to do something bad to him, Amon. I can’t have that on my conscience.”

“He’s fucking with you, Sonny. He targeted you for no reason.”

Sonny yanked his hand away. “I didn’t tell you all of this for you to fix it, Amon. I told you because you said we can be friends. I just needed someone to talk to about it.”

“Then what?” Amon asked. “You go back out tomorrow and he harasses you again or tries to arrest you?” Or worse? But Amon didn’t say that out loud. He didn’t want to think of Sonny getting beaten in some alley somewhere. The thought made him grind his teeth.

“I don’t need you to fix my problems, Amon.” Sonny got up and moved away from the bed. “I don’t need you to do me a favor and then throw it in my face when you’re pissed at me.”

What in the hell was he talking about? “You think I would do that?”

“Forget I even said anything.” Sonny grabbed the tickets off the bed where Amon had placed them. “I’ll take care of this, and then hopefully Slater will leave me alone.”

“You’re fooling yourself,” Amon snarled as he stood. “For some reason this guy has it in for you, and he’s not going to let up because you paid those tickets.”

Sonny took a step back. “I want you to leave.”

The fear was back. Amon could smell the offending odor. Was Sonny afraid of him? Amon backed away. “Sonny?”

“Go!” Sonny walked into his adjoining bathroom and slammed the door closed, leaving Amon confused.

Fine, he wouldn’t kill Slater, but Amon was still going to have an up-close-and-personal talk with the guy.

* * * *

Sonny fell to his knees and threw up in the toilet. He sat back, tears running down his face as he groaned. He shouldn’t have taken his fear out on Amon. Sonny knew that, but he hadn’t been able to stop himself.

It was like being with Bruce all over again. His ex would handle things for Sonny, minor things, and then throw it in his face when they argued. And the way Amon had snarled at Sonny? That was exactly what Bruce had done.

“Fuck,” Sonny moaned. Was he ever going to get over his past trauma? He hated feeling this helpless, and instead of taking comfort in Amon, Sonny had pushed him away. It was plain fear. Sonny wanted to trust the vampire, wanted to get close to him, but every time he told himself to get past what Bruce had done to him, the fear returned.

“I’m such a mess.” He pressed his hand to his forehead, wishing Amon was there with him. No doubt the guy had already left the bedroom because Sonny had told him to go. Amon always respected boundaries.

That was one thing Sonny had learned about the guy. Whenever Sonny froze him out, Amon disappeared.

But Sonny didn’t want to freeze out Amon. He didn’t want to push the man away, but if he didn’t work out his issues, Sonny would forever be alone.

After getting up, he flushed the toilet then brushed his teeth. Just as he suspected, as soon as he walked into his room, he saw that Amon was gone. Sonny took a seat on his bed, pulling his knees up to his chest, and then wrapped his arms around his legs.

A moment later, a knock sounded on his door.

“Come in,” Sonny called.

Zach entered, closing the door behind him. “I saw you come home in another car, with a driver.”
