Page 14 of Amon

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The guy listened to rock and a little bit of country music.

While Sonny loved his car, it didn’t have all the bells and whistles newer cars had. Stone’s truck even had leather seats, and the interior smelled of that leather.

The guy himself was good-looking. Pretty brown skin, as if he was of Latino descent, dark eyes, short black hair, and well-trimmed facial hair. He wore a black T-shirt that stretched over impressive muscles. Sonny was trying to picture him shifting into a wolf, but he couldn’t. Stone seemed so normal.

Then again, so did the vampires.

“Why do you keep twitching your nose?” Sonny asked when he noticed what Stone was doing.

“No offense to you, but you reek of vampire, which isn’t a pleasant smell.”

Sonny didn’t have heightened senses like the preternatural people did. “What do they smell like?”

Stone looked as if he was mulling over that question. “You ever step into a graveyard that smelled like turned-over earth? Like a freshly dug grave? It’s like a corpse that has been buried in mud. Be glad you’re human and can’t smell what I smell.”

“I’ll take your word for it.” But Amon didn’t smell that way. In fact, to Sonny, he smelled wholly masculine. That kind of scent where you just wanted to shove your nose into a guy’s neck and inhale for days.

“Do wolf shifters have a smell?” Sonny asked.

Stone gripped the steering wheel. “I’ve been told by a few vampires that I smell like a wet dog left out in the rain.”

Sonny burst out laughing. “So the two species think the other one stinks. Got it.” He pursed his lips. “What about humans? Do we have a distinctive odor?”

“Not really.” Stone pulled into the parking lot of the grocery store. The groceries Sonny had bought yesterday were no longer good by the time the car he’d abandoned at the gas station was retrieved. Now he had to shop for the same stuff all over again, and Sonny wondered if the smell of rotting chicken would ever come out of the interior of his car.

Since the car had been returned, Sonny had rolled the windows down, hoping the pungent odor of food left out in the sun would disappear.

“Can I ask you something?” Stone parked in a spot close to the door. “Why are you grocery shopping for bloodsuckers?”

“First, please stop calling them that. I’m sure you wouldn’t like it if I called you Fido. Second, a few humans live at the coven, and I’m shopping for them and me.”

“Why are humans living there?” Stone asked. “I get why you do it for vampires. They need someone to clean up after them.”

Sonny didn’t like how Stone phrased that, but he let it go. He also wasn’t telling the guy about Zach or Andrew, a pregnant male human. “It’s top secret, but I’ll divulge the information anyway. We’re out to take over the world.”

Stone scowled. “I met Andrew and Zach. I know about them, but I didn’t know they were living there. Why would they live there?”

“I don’t even know you.” Sonny grabbed the handle on the door. “Why would I discuss vampire business with a wolf shifter? I know you two species are mortal enemies, which begs the question, why are you working for them?”

“Cold, hard cash,” Stone replied. “I’m being paid an obscene amount to keep you safe.”

“How obscene?”

“Enough to make sure you don’t get out of this truck before I make sure no eyes are on us.” Stone cut the motor and got out, circling around to Sonny’s side. Even though the guy was massive, his size wouldn’t matter when being arrested.

And Stone’s size was something Slater wouldn’t care about. He had a hard-on for Sonny and wouldn’t give a shit about Stone. So before Sonny got out, he looked around, trying to spot Slater’s cop car.

When he didn’t see it, he slipped from the passenger seat and hurried toward the entrance of the grocery store like a celebrity trying to escape the paparazzi. Sonny wished a random photographer invading his private moment was his only worry.

Stone simply walked next to him as Sonny went through his list. It was as if the wolf shifter had an aversion to picking things up off a shelf, unless Sonny couldn’t reach them. After shopping, they made their way to a few other places, lastly to pick up some take-out that Zach had been dying for.

As soon as Sonny walked out of the taco place, he spotted a cop car and froze, making Stone nearly collide with him.

“Is that him?” Stone asked, his voice hard and low.

Sonny couldn’t tell. The setting sun cast a reflection on the windshield, making it impossible to see the driver. Why hadn’t Sonny gotten the number of the car before? “I don’t know,” he answered.

Stone damn near picked Sonny up and deposited him into the passenger seat then stood by the hood of the truck, his beefy arms crossed, glaring as the cop car rolled by. When Sonny was finally able to see inside, it was indeed Slater.
