Page 15 of Amon

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Only the cop didn’t stop and harass him. Slater was looking hard at Stone, as if his hate-filled laser-focus could somehow make Stone erupt into flames. The car kept slow rolling until it finally eased around the corner, not even bothering to stop at the stop sign.

When Stone slipped inside the truck, Sonny swallowed roughly. “That. Was. Intense.”

“Did you get a look at the driver?”

“Yes,” Sonny said. “That was Slater.”

“Now I know what he looks like,” Stone said as he started the truck. “I’m going to ask around about him and see what I can find out.”

It would be nice to have some dirt on the cop, something Sonny or one of the vampires could use to dissuade Slater from fucking with him. So far Slater hadn’t done anything heinous enough to warrant his death by the hands of Amon, but Sonny had a feeling this was only the beginning.

“I’m not sure you should have let Slater see who you are,” Sonny said. “You just put a target on your back.”

Stone grunted. “Let him try.”

“Either you have balls or a death wish.” Sonny sat back and watched the city go by as Stone drove him home. “I still don’t know why he targeted me.”

“You work for vampires,” Stone stated. “Slater knows this. Amon paid him a visit last night, and Slater confessed as much.”

Sonny hadn’t known that Amon went looking for the guy. He’d suspected Amon would, but things could have gone so wrong. Why hadn’t Amon told Sonny about the visit and their subsequent conversation?

When he got home, Sonny was going to have a long discussion with Amon about keeping him in the dark. Sonny had every right to know about the visit considering Slater was harassing him.

“I take it Amon didn’t tell you he spoke with Slater,” Stone said.

“No.” Sonny crossed his arms, glaring out the window. “He didn’t mention his outing.”

Stone chuckled. “That’s what you get for trusting them. Vampires are evil, cutthroat, and—”

“And you’re working for one,” Sonny pointed out. “You sound more like you’re reciting something than what you truly believe.” He turned to face Stone. “Why do the two species hate each other so much?”

“Honestly…” Stone sighed. “I have no idea. It’s just been that way since forever. We don’t trust them, and they don’t trust us. We kill their kind, and they kill ours. We think they stink to high heaven, and they think we smell foul.”

“Yet you agreed to babysit me.”

Stone looked him over. “You’re human, Sonny. My job is to keep humans safe, even from their own bad choices.”

“Like my bad choice of working for vampires.”


“But I can tell you really don’t hate vampires,” Sonny said. “You helped Shayde.”

“Because Zach needed my help. I’m cordial, when I have to be, but that doesn’t mean I’m besties with any of them.”

Sonny fell silent, mulling over what Stone just told him. Whatever had started their hatred for one another, it was deeply imbedded in their DNA now. Eleazar had warned him about hunters when Sonny first started working for him. He’d said that hunters killed vampires, that they combed the streets at night looking for any vampire who preyed on humans.

But how else were vampires supposed to exist? They needed blood. Just like humans and wolf shifters needed food. Sonny didn’t blame them for something they had no control over. He just blamed the ones who used scare tactics to get what they needed—or killed for their needs.

“Do you know about Eleazar’s brother?” Stone asked. When Sonny shook his head, Stone went on. “His name was Zakrem. Evil to the core. Humans started disappearing right off the street, and then their bodies started turning up. No one knew who was behind it all, until Eleazar’s previous human servant, Felix, discovered the truth. Eleazar killed Zakrem when his brother tried to attack Felix.”

Was any of that true, or was Stone trying to turn Sonny against the coven? There were some who lived with Eleazar that Sonny didn’t trust, some he kept a watchful eye on. That was why he never protested having Amon as his bodyguard, even in their own home.

Sonny was only truly safe in the kitchen where the sunlight poured in. He didn’t think the other vampires in the coven would incur Eleazar’s wrath if they touched Sonny, but he wasn’t willing to bet his life on it.

Even though Sonny hadn’t mind feeding some of them, others he’d steered clear of, giving them a wide berth. Just because a wild animal looked tame didn’t mean it was. And there were some vampires who had that wild, predator look in their eyes whenever they spotted Sonny in the house.

“All I’m saying is watch your back. You seem like a nice guy, and I’d hate to have to burn that fucking estate down if one of them killed you, Andrew, or Zach.”
