Page 16 of Amon

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Sonny was taken aback at the vehemence in Stone’s tone. “You’d commit murder if one of us was killed?”

“Like I said, it’s my job to protect humans from vampires.”

Now it was Stone who fell silent, as if lost in his own thoughts. Sonny wondered if Stone and Slater didn’t have more in common than either of them knew.

Both despised vampires and wanted them gone, but at least Stone wasn’t targeting Sonny because he worked for them. Stone wanted to protect him, which made him far better than Slater.

But the story of Eleazar killing his own brother stuck with Sonny. If what Stone said was true, Sonny understood why the leader of the coven had done what he’d done, but that had to be a heavy burden to bear.

Even so, Sonny knew they weren’t the killing machines the wolf shifters made them out to be. Eleazar had saved Sonny from Bruce, saved him from a path of self-destruction, and Sonny would forever be thankful for the man’s intervention.

He’d seen firsthand how Eleazar was around Andrew and how Shayde was with Zach. They weren’t heartless monsters. Vampires had a capacity to love, and that made Sonny think of Amon.

“Do preternatural hurt those they care about?” Sonny rested his hands in his lap. “I used to date this guy who used me as a punching bag. Are wolf shifters and vampires the same?”

Stone sighed. “Sweetheart, you have monsters in every species. What I can tell you is that I’ve never witnessed violence between mates.”

“I’m not anyone’s mate,” Sonny said and wondered why that bothered him. He liked Amon, but Sonny just wasn’t ready to open up to anyone right now. Though he did appreciate Amon paying out of pocket to keep him safe.

That had to count for something.

“What exactly is a mate?” Sonny asked.

Stone glanced at him before his attention was back on the road. “A mate is someone fate handpicks for a preternatural.”

“Really?” Sonny asked. “And how do you know if you’re someone’s mate?”

“First, you have to sleep with that person,” Stone explained. “If you’re mates, you’ll feel the bond. It’s unbreakable, and a deeper connection than you can imagine.” He shrugged. “At least, that’s what I heard. Since I’m not mated, I can’t verify that.”

Well, that blew Sonny’s assumption to pieces. He’d thought that mates were just boyfriends. Not the case. Now he had something else to think about. What if he gave in and slept with Amon, only to find out that the vampire was his mate?

Stone had just said it was unbreakable, and Sonny wasn’t sure—if he and Amon turned out to be mates—that he was ready for that kind of commitment.

* * * *

“Why didn’t you tell me about your visit and conversation with Slater?” Sonny demanded when Amon found him heading to the kitchen, a room too brightly lit for Amon to follow.

Amon was going to kill Stone. The wolf was only supposed to keep Sonny safe, not run his damn mouth. Goddamn mongrel. “We can talk about this when we’re alone.”

“Oh, we have plenty to talk about,” Sonny snapped. “I’ve got to put this stuff away, give Zach his food, give Eleazar something he needs, and then we’re definitely talking.”

For the first time in decades, Amon rolled his eyes. He knew that tone and, honestly, wasn’t sure he wanted to talk to Sonny when the guy was in a foul mood. When Sonny went to the kitchen, Amon eased down a hallway and called Stone.

“It’s almost dark,” Stone said when he answered. “I got things to do, so if you want me to circle back, you’re shit out of luck.”

“No, I don’t need you to circle back,” Amon snarled. “I wanted to talk to you about your big mouth.”

Stone laughed. “Which thing are you pissed about?”

There was more than one thing? Amon didn’t have anything to hide, nothing that Stone would know about, so why was he sweating?

Amon snarled even deeper. “What exactly did you two talk about?”

“Sonny asked questions, and I gave honest answers. Deal with it.” Stone hung up.

Amon ground his teeth as he pocketed his phone. He was a fierce, feared vampire who took down enemies without remorse, and one little human had him sweating. Amon dismissed his worries and went to Eleazar’s office to wait for Sonny.

As soon as the human emerged from the office, Amon found himself following behind the guy like a lost damn puppy. If Amon hadn’t been so enamored with Sonny, he would have washed his hands of the guy already.
