Page 18 of Amon

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“Who sent you?” Stone pushed the barrel harder into the man’s skin.

“John Slater,” the guy replied.

Stone snarled. “You’re going to tell me everything, or I’m going to shoot you and claim self-defense since you’re on my property. Got that?”

The guy nodded.

Chapter Five

Amon was back on the street as soon as night fell. He didn’t like tasking Isaak with Sonny’s care, but he had to put a stop to Slater’s harassment. Since the human didn’t want to heed his warning, Amon was going to make good on his promise.

And if he had to suffer Sonny’s wrath, so be it.

Amon wasn’t going to let anyone harm Sonny, and his gut told him this situation with Slater could escalate.

He combed the streets for over two hours before he finally caught a break. Once a vampire had a scent, they had it for life, but that didn’t mean they could track that scent down within a matter of minutes. Sometimes it took time, like, once, seventy years ago, when Amon was tracking down the wolf shifter who’d killed a good friend of his.

It had taken Amon three years because the shifter had moved across the country, but Amon had finally found Travis and ended him in the most brutal way.

Amon didn’t like hunters in Ridgeway. Despised them, in fact. They only served to remind him of his dead friend and everything Amon had lost, but he begrudgingly understood their purpose.

Preternaturals’ number one rule was to not be exposed.

Eleazar’s number one rule was to keep the balance.

Amon’s number one rule was to end anyone who fucked with Sonny.

He walked silently down the street of the lower east side, surprised that Slater, as a cop, would fuck with this shady side of town. Then again, it wasn’t as if Slater was on the up-and-up. He was just as shady as the men and women around them. It was also biker gang territory, although the leader of the biker gang, Raiden, was now dead because he’d gone after Zach, Shayde’s mate.

But the gang still thrived, apparent by the lines of bikes at the curb with their club logo splashed across the chrome in various colors. Amon had a wild urge to kick the first one over and start a chain reaction, but he was here for Slater. Fucking with the Ridgeway Riders would have to wait for another night.

A night when Amon needed to let off some steam and felt like being in a brawl.

He spotted Slater ahead a block but maintained his distance, interested in seeing where the human was going. Slater was up to no good. He’d told Amon that Sonny worked for bloodsuckers and was a traitor to his own kind.

That let Amon know that Slater just might be a fanatic, and where there was one, it was a good bet there were others. If so, Amon wanted to get as much intel as he could before he ended the bastard.

When Slater cut down an alleyway, a space between the two main streets, Amon followed.

Only he didn’t make it too far. Before he could close the distance, he was shoved into a wall, only possible because he’d been caught off guard.

“Following that human?” someone breathed into his ear. “You bloodsuckers will never learn, will you?”

Snarling, Amon shoved away from the wall and braced his feet against it when his assailant tried to push him back against the bricks. He used his inhuman speed to run up the wall and then flipped over the stranger, now pinning him against it.

“Who are you?” Amon demanded, his voice low and deadly. He knew the hunters in the city, and this guy wasn’t one of them, not unless Rayne, the leader of the wolf shifters, was recruiting new shifters as hunters.

If that was the case, this guy was going to learn quickly who Amon was and why it was a bad idea to fuck with him.

“Ethan,” the wolf shifter snarled. Amon knew he was a shifter because he held a foul stench. “I’m a hunter, and I saw you following that human.”

Amon shoved the shifter away from him. “Learn who is who in this city, dumbass.”

He was going to have a talk with Rayne about who he recruited and not passing on the knowledge of who belonged to Eleazar’s coven. Then again, Amon wouldn’t put it past some of their coven members to stalk humans. So far, he hadn’t heard of any of them doing that, but it wouldn’t surprise him.

Just because a vampire belonged to Eleazar’s coven didn’t mean they held his level of standards.

“I know who you are,” Ethan growled. “That doesn’t excuse you from stalking a human.”
